Part 2 - Chapter 17

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I was about to do something I never thought I'd ever do : enter a gym. And a boxing gym at that.

I had been standing in front of the grey brick building for 5 long minutes now, clutching the strap of my gym bag. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open, letting it fall shut behind me with a thud. The discreet entrance I had hoped to make was immediately ruined as the heads of every person present inside turned to me.

Men. Only men. 

My worst fucking nightmare.

Under their stares, I would have felt naked even if I had been wearing something else than the black sports bra and black leggings I had decided to wear today.

I swallowed hard and avoided their gazes as I headed for one of the punching bags on the other side of the gym. While walking, I risked a glance up. In the middle of the room was a square boxing ring where two guys had interrupted their fight to watch me. One of them had black hair, heterochromatic eyes, and a scar that ran from his skull to the side of his face. The other one had long blonde hair he had swept to the right, revealing his temple tattoo that extended to his neck.

My heartbeat stuttered when I locked eyes with Izana who was leaning on the ropes of the boxing ring with his arms crossed. He had been watching the fight before my arrival had distracted the two fighters. Now he was staring directly at me, a gleam of recognition in his eyes.

Of course, I had to choose the one gym Mikey's brother went to.

I tore my gaze away from Izana's as I stopped in front of one of the many black punching bags that were dangling from the ceiling of the gym. I dropped my bag on the floor and stretched my arms to prepare myself. Well at least, I tried to stretch. In reality, I had absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing.

I had just raised my hands in front of me, ready to throw my first punch, when one guy approached me from behind.

"Need a little help, doll?"


"Nah, I'm good. thank you." I replied, looking over my shoulder at the bald man to give him a polite smile. 

He didn't respond. In fact, I'm not even sure he heard my answer, too busy he was staring at my ass.

I turned to face the punching bag and raised my hands balled into fists in front of me again. But right as I was about to finally throw my first punch, I felt two sweaty hands grab my waist and someone's hot breath brush the side of my neck.

"Come on, doll. I can help you."

I didn't want to scream as I had already attracted enough attention by just walking in, but I couldn't just let him touch me like that.

Jesus, why can men ever take no for an answer?

"Fuck off." A deep voice ordered the man behind me, and in a second, his slimy hands had left my waist.

I turned around to see who my guardian angel was, finding none other than my ex's brother. Izana stared the bald man down as he walked away from us with his tail between his legs, and I took the opportunity that he wasn't looking at me to study his face and his naked chest. He was so different from Mikey it was hard to believe that they were brothers. But he was as handsome as Mikey, that was for sure. My eyes traced the contour of his six pack before following the V-line that curved its way into his gym sweatpants. 

When I looked back up, I found Izana already watching me, the faintest traces of amusement dancing in his eyes.

My cheeks heated as I muttered a quick 'Thank you.'

He acknowledged me with a nod, and then flicked a slow gaze down at my outfit, his eyes lingering on my chest. "You shouldn't wear that."

I raised one eyebrow. "What? A sports bra ?"

"Yeah. It's..." His gaze slowly traveled up, coming to my face again. "very distracting."

Distracting, huh?

My eyes swept over the gym. The majority of guys had resumed their workouts, except for a few who were still eyeing me.

I looked back at Izana, raising my chin in defiance. "Maybe they should be neutered if that's all it takes to distract them."

"Or you can just cover yourself more." He replied.

I scoffed. "Said the guy who's shirtless."

A smirk teased the corner of his mouth, but he held it back as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Why are you even here?"

"I want – need - to learn how to defend myself."

His eyes ever so slightly narrowed. "Against who?"

There was no way I was telling him, nuh uh. I had no idea if him and Mikey were on good terms or not, but I wasn't going to take the risk to tell Izana I was on his brother's black list. What if I then ended up on his black list too? No, thanks.

I turned to the punching bag without answering him, but he went to stand behind it.

"I could teach you a few techniques." He offered, wrapping one arm around the punching bag.

My lips parted in surprise. "Wait, really?"

He nodded. "Yeah. But you're gonna have to tell me what kind of person you're trying to defend yourself against."

I looked off to the side, chewing on my bottom lip as I thought.

"Is it one person? A group of people? A guy? A girl?" Izana pressed.

"It's one guy." I replied, looking back at him. I tried to choose my next words carefully. "Average height. Good fighter-"

"How good are we talking?"

"Well... he's able to fight an entire group of people in flip flops."

"So, he's really good then."

"Hmm." I hummed in agreement, dropping my gaze to the floor as a feeling of helplessness flooded me.

"Ok. I can teach you." Izana started, pulling me from my lethargy. "All I need is you to give me two hours of your time every day. In a few days you'll be able to block a punch. In a week you'll be able to throw a good punch. In two weeks, you'll be able to counter-attack, and in three, you'll be able to fight that Flip-flop guy."

I chuckled at the nickname he had just dubbed Mikey with, slightly relaxing. My respite was short-lived though, because I seriously doubted that the private lessons Izana was offering me would come without a price.

"Why would you do this without wanting anything in return?" I asked him.

The corner of his lips tipped up. "I never said I didn't want anything in return."

Of course. Too good to be true.

"Let's just say you'll owe me a little favor." He mused, stepping up to me. I peeked up into his eyes as he stared down at me. "So, what do you say?" He reached out a hand for me to shake. "You're in?"

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