Part 2 - Chapter 26

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8:05 From me to Mitsuya – Where are you?

8:05 From Mitsuya to me – Draken's bike shop, why?

8:05 From me to Mitsuya – No reason, just be careful

8:06 From Mitsuya to me – everything ok?

8:06 From Mitsuya to me - where are you?

8:07 From Mitsuya to me – Y/N?

I slid my phone back into my purse and looked back up to the man next to me. He was a 20 year-old something, a young businessman who needed a drink after a long day at work. He had come on to me the second I had taken my seat at the bar.

He was attractive. At least he would be if he wasn't already balding and if he would just shut up for a second. For 15 minutes now, he had been complaining to me about how the 'me too' movement was so hard for men like him because – I quote- 'men just don't know where the boundaries are anymore'.

Give me a fucking break, I thought as I brought my drink to my lips, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

Not only did I have to pretend I was listening to his sexist bullshit but I also had to pretend I was having a great time doing it because my target was watching us from the other side of the bar.

Over the rim of my glass, my gaze slid from the businessman to Mikey, my eyes meeting his. Like us, he was sitting atop a high bar stool, on the other end of the bar counter. I knew I would find him in this bar because that's where he spent most of his Saturday nights. A girl was talking to him but he clearly wasn't listening to whatever she was telling him. His gaze always strayed back to me.

I felt my phone vibrate in my purse and I pulled it out, checking the new texts while regularly glancing up at the man next to me to pretend I was still listening to him.

8:10 From Rindou to me – you ok?

8:10 From Rindou to me - You don't have to do what Izana asked you to do

8:10 From Rindou to me – Don't talk with Mikey if it makes you uncomfortable

I read his texts several times, folding my lip between my teeth.

Rindou was wrong. I had to do it or else I would always be in Izana's debt. But I appreciated his concern.

I checked the time before slipping my phone into my purse again. Tenjiku members would start jumping Toman members all throughout Shibuya any moment now, and someone would definitely call Mikey to ask him for help so I needed to distract him. Now.

I looked back up, catching Mikey watching me again. I tore my eyes away from his and grazed the businessman's forearm with my fingers, giving him a seductive smile. "Should we leave?"

He stopped rambling- finally - , and his mouth dropped open. "Y-yeah.."

"Let me use the restroom first."

Excusing myself, I hopped off the bar stool and made my way to the restroom. I could feel Mikey's gaze on my back until I had disappeared into the room, the door closing behind me.

Mikey was going to follow me, I just knew it.

I entered one of the empty stalls and closed the door behind me, mentally counting down in my head.




Sure enough, I heard the restroom door open and close, followed by a tiny click indicating the door had just been locked.

I fixed my hair and outfit before flushing the toilet I hadn't used. When I opened the stall door, Mikey was leaning his back against the restroom wall next to the door, his arms folded over his chest.

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