Part 3 - Chapter 21

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I was in a bad mood. 


I wasn't sure what I wanted to do : burst into tears, scream and punch something, or go to bed and stay in my bedroom for the rest of my days. I was leaning toward doing the latter when I got home after my heart-wrenching conversation with Mitusya. But upon entering the lobby of the building, loud music dug in my ears. It was coming from the first floor.

My brows furrowed as I quickly climbed up the stairs. I pushed the living room door open and fell upon a party in full-swing. There had to be about 30 people there. Drunk girls were dancing on a table to my left, cigarette smoke hung in the air like a veil, empty alcohol bottles laid discarded on the floor,...

"What the hell..." I muttered under my breath.

My gaze sought a familiar face. That's when I caught sight of Sanzu, Ran and Mochi. They were sitting on the sofas in the middle of the living room.

Mochi had his hand on the thigh of a girl who looked too young for him.

Another girl was sitting next to Sanzu. There was a shot of tequila placed between her breasts that her push-up bra was pressing together. Sanzu lowered his head to take the body shot she was offering him.

At least that girl looked old enough to be here.

In a daze, Ran's head slowly turned to me. He, too, had a girl sitting next to him, but he seemed to forget all about her when he called out my name, "Y/N!"

Ignoring the girl's grunts of protest, he rose to his feet and stumbled toward me. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him.

"Where were you! Missed you, little one." He exclaimed. Then, staring down at me, he grabbed my chin with one hand and squeezed my cheeks together, grinning lazily. "Have I ever told you're my favorite woman on the planet?" He slurred the words, clearly wasted, and I sighed, rolling my eyes slightly. "No, you haven't."

"Hmm." He frowned. "Well, you are!" He announced proudly before letting go of my chin. 

He tried to boop my nose with his finger but I swatted his hand away.

"You're drunk." I stated.

"That, I am."

"Maybe you should go to bed now."

He smirked lazily. "Only if you come with me."

I rolled my eyes again. 

I loved Ran but I really wasn't in the mood to deal with his antics right now. 

 "Where's your brother?" I asked him as I let my gaze wander around the room in search of Rindou.

"Hmmm" He narrowed his eyes, hesitating while he sifted through his drunken thoughts. "Over there, I think..." He pointed a finger at the back of the living room before stumbling back to the sofa.

Looking in the direction Ran had pointed in, I first caught sight of Mikey, Kakucho and Kokonoi who were sitting at a card table, playing a game of poker with a few other men I didn't recognize. 

And then... my gaze finally landed on Rindou who was also sitting at the table. 

Everything seemed to stop.

My heartbeat.

The time.

The music and the chatter in the room.

My breathing.

Even my goddamn heartbeat.

A blond woman was sitting on his lap. Her lips were painted red, the same color as the smudge on the collar of Rindou's white shirt.

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