Part 2 - Chapter 28

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The next morning, I awoke to the feeling of a kiss being planted at the top of my forehead. I peeled my eyes open and lifted my head from Rindou's chest to look up at him. He was staring down at me with one of his rare smiles.

" 'Morning." He said.

I grinned up at him. " 'Morning."

I had forgotten Ran was also laying in bed with us until he tightened his arms around my waist from behind me, dropping his head in the back of mine. 

"Good morning love birdsss." He slurred the words.

Rindou tipped his head back and groaned in annoyance while I giggled. I was sure that if Rindou ever got a girlfriend, Ran would be the type of brother to intentionally third weel and include himself in everything Rindou and his girlfriend would try to do together.

The three of us got up and went into their kitchen to have breakfast. We were making pancakes when someone knocked at their door.

"I'll go." Rindou walked to the door while Ran took the opportunity I was watching his brother to dip his finger into the pancake mixture that he then smeared across my cheek.

"Stop!" I laughed, wiping it off my face with the back of my hand.

I was still laughing as I tried to block another sneak-attack from Ran when Rindou came back into the kitchen. I hadn't even noticed he was with someone until a familiar deep voice caught me off guard.

"Well, well. Am I interrupting something?"

My laughter died as I turned to Izana. He was leaning his shoulder into the doorframe, watching Ran and I with his arms folded across his chest. 

"Izana." Ran greeted his leader with his usual lazy grin. "You came to join us for breakfast or what?"

But Izana didn't answer Ran. In fact, he didn't even look at him. His eyes were fixed on mine. They slightly narrowed at me, and I swallowed hard.

"You did a good job yesterday." He said, yet instead of sounding satisfied, his voice was pure restraint.

I don't understand: I did what he asked me to do and he's still not happy?

As if sensing the tension growing between Izana and me, Rindou went to stand beside me which only seemed to anger Izana even more. A muscle in his jaw ticked as his gaze darted from Rindou to me.

A wicked grin crossed his face as he added: "You might not be totally useless afterall."

God, are all the men in the Sano family fucking insane and ungrateful like Mikey and Izana?

"Fuck you." I spat out, taking a step towards him.

He took one step towards me too. "What did you do to distract Mikey, hmm?"

I ignored his question and tried to move past him to walk out of the kitchen, but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. 

"Tell me." He ordered, his hand tightening painfully around my bicep, making me turn my head to him.

"I slept with him." I bit out, holding his gaze. "Happy?"

He sneered. "Fucking delighted."

I tried to rip myself from his grip to walk away but he pushed me backwards, back into the kitchen.

"Don't pretend you didn't like it." He started, stepping up to me again. He glanced at Ran and Rindou over my head, his gaze narrowing at the edges as he looked back down to me. "It's pretty clear you like to sleep around."

"Hey man-" Rindou took a step towards Izana, ready to intervene, but I raised a hand to stop him.

I would deal with Izana myself.

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