Part 2 - Chapter 18

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It had been one week since I had accepted Izana's deal.

At school, Mikey acted like I didn't exist. He hadn't even spared me one look or one comment since our discussion at his house, but whenever he was sitting next to me in class, I could sense his anger simmering right beneath the surface, and I knew that the moment he'd finally explode was going to come. But I would be ready for it, thanks to Izana's training.

At the boxing gym, Mikey's brother told me he wouldn't go easy on me, and he didn't lie. My busted knuckles, sore muscles, and the bruises littering my whole body were proof enough. And yet, the two hours I spent with him every afternoon had become the highlight of my day. The fact that I got to see him shirtless might have been one of the reasons why.

Okay fine, it was the only reason why.

But I mean, who could blame me? He was built like a goddamn model. And his abs... God, his abs-

"You okay ?"

Mitsuya pulled me from my thoughts, and I shook my head, coming back to reality. Him and I were currently sitting at a small table in a cute café.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I gave him a bright smile and glanced down at the pastries between us. "I'm glad we're doing this."

He grinned. "Yeah, me too."

I had known Mitsuya for a long time now, for much longer than I had known the other members of Toman for. One tradition him and I had tried to keep alive during our entire friendship was our weekly meet-ups at this small café which had become our secret spot. We would order a few pieces of cake and share them together. But we hadn't done it in a few months.

"We used to do this every Wednesday. Why did we stop?" I asked him before shoving a piece of chocolate cake in my mouth.

Something flashed across Mitsuya's face, but it was gone before I could tell what it was. "Mikey."

I furrowed my brows at his one-worded answer, and I stopped chewing, staring back at him.

"You started dating Mikey and spending less time with me." He explained.

My heart sank. I had always promised myself I wouldn't become the kind of person who ditched their friends whenever they were dating someone, but I guess I had to add that to the list of things I had failed at.

I put my fork back down and gave Mitsuya an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't even realize-"

"It's fine." He interrupted me. Reaching over the table, he cupped my cheek and used his thumb to wipe a little bit of chocolate off the corner of my mouth. "I'm just glad you got time for me again."

My face grew hot at the simple affectionate gesture, and I averted my gaze away from him. That's when I noticed a brown-haired girl a few meters away from us. She was sitting with her friends at another table, but her eyes were glued to Mitsuya.

"Oh my god. Don't look, don't look." I whispered to Mitsuya.

"What?" He asked.

"There's a really hot girl staring at you."

He shrugged his shoulders, picking up another piece of cake with his fork. "I don't care."

"No seriously. She's like really pretty."

"I don't care." He repeated.

I stole another quick glance at the girl, catching the moment her friends wished her good luck as she stood up and started walking towards our table.

"Oh my god. She's coming, she's coming." I whispered.

She stopped at our table a few seconds later, and she clasped her hands behind her back as she stared down at Mitsuya. "Hi!"

When he didn't answer her and kept his eyes on the piece of cake him and I were sharing, I decided to greet her. "Hi!" 

Her gaze slid to me, her smile starting to fall. "Wait, are you guys together?"

"Oh no, we're not." I reassured her.

Her smile widened again as she looked back at Mitsuya. "My name is Yuzuha."

She was met with complete silence. Again.

I knew Mitsuya wasn't shy so this couldn't be the reason why he was acting so indifferent. No, he was just clearly uninterested, and I felt the need to answer Yuzuha so she wouldn't feel too bad.

"I'm Y/N." I introduced myself, making her glance at me, then I jerked a thumb to my friend. "And this is Mitsuya."

"Is he deaf or mute?" She asked me.

"No, he can speak. Right, Mitsuya?" I kicked his leg under the table.

"Fucking hell." His head snapped up and he glared at me.

"See?" I beamed, looking up at Yuzuha. "He can say other things too. Not just swear words." I joked.

"Well," She chuckled and turned to Mitsuya again. "I just think you're really attractive so I wanted to give you my number." She handed him a small piece of paper with her phone number written on it.

Mitsuya flicked a quick gaze at her and took the paper in his hand.

"Text me." She winked at him before walking back to the table her friends were waiting her at.

I squealed with excitement. "She was so cute! Man, it really takes balls to do what she did, I could never-"

Mitsuya tossed the paper with Yuzuha's phone number into the nearest trashcan and I stopped talking, my eyes widening. "What the hell are you doing?"

He shrugged "I don't want it."

"What? Why not?"

"Cause I'm not interested."

"But you don't even know her! She could be the love of your life for all you know, and-"

"I like someone else." He cut me off.

My mouth dropped open. "...You like someone?" I looked off to the side, processing his confession as he studied my reaction. 

The truth was, I felt a little hurt Mitsuya hadn't told me about it because he was the first person I had told about my crush on Mikey. It was also mainly because he was the one who had introduced Mikey and I to each other, but still. I wondered if sometimes he regretted it. Like he said, after Mikey and I started dating, him and I didn't get to spend as much time together as we used to.

"Well, who is it?" I asked, looking back at him.

An adorable blush bloomed across his cheeks as he dropped his gaze to the table.

"Come on. " I encouraged him, gently nudging his foot under the table. "Who is it? Does she go to our school?"


"Does she know you like her?"

He shook his head no, using his fork to toy with a piece of cake.

"Why don't you tell her?" I asked. "Does she have a boyfriend or something?"

"No but," His gaze came up, meeting mine again. " I don't think she's gotten over her ex yet."

"Oh, I see..." I trapped my bottom lip between my teeth as I thought. "Maybe you should just give her some time and be her friend first. I mean, come on," I flashed him a smile. "There's no way she won't fall for you. You're the whole package, Mitsuya."

His eyes fell to my lips and he nodded, his own lips slowly curling up. "Yeah... I'll do that."

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