Part 4 - Chapter 9

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During Monday's lunch, I'm sitting with Hina and Senju at our usual table. I'm trying to focus on our conversation, but something catches my attention—a subtle, warm tingle on the back of my neck. I turn my head, scanning the bustling cafeteria until my eyes lock onto Rindou who's sitting at his table with Ran, Kakucho, Hanma, and Izana, just a few meters away.

He's looking at me, a slight smile playing on his lips. My lips mirror his, curving up as memories of the night we've spent together and the kisses we've shared invade my mind. But then, my gaze drifts to the person next to Rindou, and my smile falters. It's Izana, and he's also staring directly at me. 

I quickly avert my gaze, redirecting my attention to the conversation at my table.

Hina is gathering her brown hair in her hands, trying to show us what it would look like in a bun. "Should I wear my hair like this at the dance?"

"Yeah, you look so pretty with your hair tied up," I compliment her while still trying to brush off the feeling of Izana's gaze on me.

Hina grins at me. "Thanks." 

"Hey, have you asked Chifuyu to the dance already?" I ask Senju and she nods as she pops a grape into her mouth, "Yeah, I asked him this morning."

"And?" Hina and I both press.

"And he said yes," she replies.

Hina and I laugh a little at how casual she is about all of this.

"What about you?" Hina asks me. "Has Mitsuya asked you yet?"

"No, but it's okay because someone else asked me this weekend," I reveal and Hina's eyes widen. "Really? Who?"

Senju stops chewing, also waiting for my answer.

"Rindou," I confess on a breath and, anticipating their reaction, I quickly explain myself before they can say anything, "Look, I know you don't like him. Him and his brother don't have the best reputation, I get it, but... I've spent some time with them this weekend and they're actually really nice, and... I think I like Rindou."

Hina and Senju exchange a look, digesting my words.

"We're happy for you," Hina says after a moment. "We just... we don't want you to get hurt, you know?"

I smile a little. "I know. But I trust him."

Senju still looks unconvinced but she stays silent, respecting my choice.

After lunch, we walk back to class. Hina and Senju enter our classroom and I'm about to follow them inside when my gaze catches on Baji in the hallway. He's standing at his locker, his head slightly dipped down. He looks so defeated that I feel the need to go check up on him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him, stopping by his side.

His head turns, and his eyes meet mine. "Oh, hey," he responds with a sigh, running a hand through his long, black hair. "Yeah, no, I'm fine."

Clearly, he's not.

"You sure?" I press and he sighs again.

"I've asked two girls to the dance this morning, and they both said no," he confesses.

I'm surprised. I mean, Baji's a handsome guy. And he's nice too, even though he can be a little bit intimidating at first.

I give him an empathetic smile. "I'm sorry."

Sighing, he turns his attention back to his locker and starts to retrieve the books he needs for the afternoon as he continues, "I don't really care, it's just that I lied to my mom and told her I had a date because she looked so excited about the dance..."

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