Part 2 - Chapter 5

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It all happened so fast. One minute, I was dancing with Ran and Rindou, and the next, we were in a bedroom, the door locked behind us. The alcohol I had drunk had settled in a warm puddle in the pit of my stomach, but the brothers' touch felt even hotter against my skin.

"Clothes off. Now." Rindou's bossy tone sent another wave of heat between my thighs, and I obeyed, getting undressed with them.

Ran took his place against the headboard first. I joined him, the bed dipping under our weight. Settling between his open legs, I placed my palms on his chest and bent down to kiss his throat gently. He tilted his head back to let me pepper his skin with slow, sloppy kisses.

Never taking my eyes off his, I got on all fours between his open legs where his dick stood, already hard. I had almost forgotten Rindou was behind me when he dragged a finger across my slit, making me whimper. It was a pathetic sound that earned me an amused chuckle from behind.

"God, the cute sounds you make, Y/N." Rindou teased. "I've wanted to hear them again since I fucked you." His rough thumb found my clit and rubbed the sensitive spot, making my thighs tremble.

My eyes flicked up to Ran's gaze as he cupped my cheek to draw my attention back to him. With his other hand, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and lifted the locks so they wouldn't get in the way when I leaned down to wrap my lips around his dick. My tongue and hand worked in tandem, sucking his tip and stroking his length up and down.

"Fuck, Y/N." Ran breathed. "Just like that."

I made a little happy humming noise that vibrated up his dick, making his eyes flutter shut for a second, his hand tightening around my hair.

Meanwhile, Rindou got a leg up on the foot on the bed so he could lever himself and grab my hips. Without warning, he thrusted into me. I jerked and cried out on Ran's dick, then I drew back until my mouth was free.

While grabbing Ran's thighs for support, I spoke to Rindou. "Harder. You can fuck me harder." It sounded more like a plea than anything but I wasn't ashamed to beg. Maybe it was because of the alcohol, or maybe just because I needed a distraction from my feelings for Mikey I was sometimes still battling even though I would never admit it, but in that moment I wanted -needed- Rindou.

"I don't wanna fucking wreck you." Rindou replied, a flicker of worry crossing his face.

"You didn't seem too worried about that last time." I recalled, panting.

His breath exhaled on a laugh. "Guess you're right." And with that, he slid out of me before thrusting back in, so deep that he bottomed out, making me cry out. I nearly fell forward, my eyes rolling back in my head.

"You're so fucking tight, Y/N. How do you even do that?" Rindou hissed.

He quickened his pace, fucking me so hard that I had to brace myself against Ran's chest to keep from being pushed down onto my belly. My lips stayed parted as more moans spilled from my mouth. 'Rin', 'Ran',... In that moment, I wasn't even sure whose name slipped past my lips the most.

"Fuck, her face..." Ran breathed, leaning up on his elbows to watch me more closely.

"Tell me how pretty she looks when I fuck her." Rindou ordered.

"Fucking gorgeous." Ran replied, his eyes darkening as they followed the single tear that rolled down my cheek.

Rindou grunted again. He fucked me with rapid, deep thrusts and I spread my legs, arched my back and pushed back, desperate to take all of him with each thrust.

When I felt like Rindou and I were both getting close, I bent down and wrapped my lips around Ran's dick again. My saliva started dripping down his cock and I started bobbing my head faster.

"Look at me." Ran ordered.

My gaze flicked up to his just as he pushed himself deep enough to hit the back of my throat. I gagged, another tear rolling down my cheek that Ran wiped with his thumb. "Fuck." He hissed and quickly pulled out of my mouth right before cumming. Then, he rested his head against the headboard, watching me with half-lidded eyes.

"You've been so good for me, Y/N. Such a good, good little girl. " He praised.

Rindou chose that moment to change his angle slightly, directly hitting the most sensitive spot inside of me. I was tipped forward towards Ran who cradled my face with both hands and leaned down to kiss me. When Rindou hit that same spot the second time, I moaned into the kiss, my thighs trembling.

Half a minute later, Rindou and I both came. I was tipped forward again as he collapsed, making us both fall across Ran. Our ragged breaths filled the room and the distant noise of the music was still seeping from under the closed door.

Ran kissed my forehead, smiling down at me while Rindou pressed a few kisses on my shoulder blades. I was still catching my breath when Rindou slid out of me, rolled over, and stood up to put his clothes back on. I tried to stand up too but I couldn't because Ran had wrapped one arm around me, holding me against his chest.

"Already wanna leave me, Y/N?" He asked with a grin, combing his fingers through my hair.

I chuckled. "No, but I should go back to the party. I have to find Hina."

Rindou grabbed me by the arm, pulling me away from his brother. "Let's go." He handed me my clothes he had picked up from the floor, and even helped me put them back on. He kept a hand on the small of my back as he led me out of the bedroom.

"You okay?" He asked as we walked together down the hallway. "Do you need something to drink? Or something to eat?"

I smiled up at him. "Yeah, maybe a glass of water."

"I'll be right back." He placed a quick kiss on the top of my head and gave my waist a squeeze before heading for the kitchen while I walked back into the living room where I started looking for Hina. I eventually found her sitting next to Kisaki and several other guys I didn't know on one of the sofas. Even from a distance, she looked drunk, and I didn't like the fact that Kisaki was getting handsy. His hand was slowly traveling higher up Hina's thigh, getting dangerously close to the hem of her skirt.

"Y/N ! " My friend shouted when she noticed me approach, a big grin spreading across her lips.

Yes, definitely drunk.

The chatter between the guys on the sofas died as all of their eyes landed on me. Ignoring their stares was impossible, getting closer to them felt the same as walking alone by a group of guys in an empty street. Horrible.

I harshly knocked Kisaki's hand away from Hina's leg, shooting him a narrowed gaze.

"It's time to go home, Hina." I told my friend.

She pouted. "Why can't we stay a little longer?"

"Because you're drunk."

"Nooo, I wanna stay !" She whined. Then, her gaze bounced from me to someone who was sitting on the couch behind me. "Hey !" She shouted, pointing a finger at me. "She was the one I was telling you about !"

My brows knitted as I turned to look at who Hina was speaking to, finding one guy's eyes aimed at me. He looked a little older than us and had white bleached hair. His stare slowly swept me from head to toe.

I turned back to Hina. "What? What did you tell him?" I asked her in a whisper.

"Just the truth" She slurred the words, clearly under the influence. "That his little brother is an asshole who cheated on you."

My eyes widened in surprise as I stole another glance at the white-haired guy.

...Mikey's brother?

I didn't even know Mikey had a brother who was still alive and we had dated for more than a year. How many other things had he kept secret from me?

The white-haired boy smirked at my reaction while bringing his beer to his lips.

I swallowed hard under his attention and quickly turned back to Hina. "Come on, let's go." I grabbed her by the arm and struggled to lift her up. Once I had slung one of her arms over my shoulder, I walked her to the door, but before leaving, I couldn't resist the urge to look over my shoulder one last time.

And sure enough, Mikey's brother was still staring at me.

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