Part 4 - Chapter 2

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I'm in the same class as Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Baji, Hina, Takemichi and Mikey. I chose to sit next to Hina, but shortly after class began, our teacher announced we'd be working on group projects and that he would be assigning partners. Hina was paired with Senju, a girl she had briefly introduced me to earlier this morning. Draken got partnered with Mitsuya, Chifuyu with Baji, and I, with Mikey.

As our teacher grants us time to discuss our projects, I make my way to Mikey's table and take the seat next to him. 

"Hey," I greet him, hoping to spark up a conversation. But he remains silent and averts his gaze, just like he did earlier this morning. At first, I think he might just be shy, but that doesn't add up. How could the leader of Toman be shy?

"So, for our group project," I begin, trying to capture his attention, "I was thinking-"

Interrupting me, he raises his hand to call the teacher. "Can I work on the project alone?"

A few classmates glance at us, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment. Does Mikey really prefer working alone over partnering with me?

"No, this is a group project, Manjiro," the teacher insists, and Mikey lowers his hand.

I let out an awkward chuckle. "Look, I'm a good student. You won't have to do all the work alone. I promise," I reassure him, thinking his hesitation might stem from concerns about the project's success.

But, without sparing me a glance, he raises his hand to call the teacher again, "Can I switch partners, then?"

The teacher shoots us a brief glance. "No, you may not."

I notice Mitsuya and Draken observing us with confusion etched on their faces, which makes me turn my attention back to Mikey.

"Look," I whisper softly. "If I said or did something to upset you, you can tell me what it is so I can apologize and-"

He clicks his tongue and shifts his gaze away once more. "You talk too much."

My eyes narrow at his response, and the next words that slip out of my mouth are slightly louder than intended. "You're such an asshole."

Suddenly, the chatter in the classroom ceases, and everyone's attention shifts toward me. I sink deeper into my chair, realizing that my outburst has been heard by everyone, including our teacher.

"Y/N, go to the principal's office immediately," the teacher commands.


I've been waiting outside of the principal's office for 10 minutes now. As I'm sitting, my leg bounces up and down uncontrollably. It's a new experience for me, being sent here, and it's the first time I've ever been reprimanded by a teacher. All because of Mikey. Seriously, what's his problem?

As another student enters the waiting room, my eyes lift from the floor. It's Izana, the guy Hina warned me about earlier today. He casually takes a seat next to me, spreading his legs apart and leaning back.

Though I keep my gaze fixed ahead, I sense his gaze on me.

He chuckles. "New girl?" In my peripheral vision, I notice him resting his elbow on the armrest and leaning his chin against his palm, all while studying me intently. "Here on your first day? You've got me beat."

I stay silent, continuing to look straight ahead.

"What did you do?" he prods.

I hesitate for a moment, chewing on my bottom lip, before finally admitting, "I called a guy an asshole." Then I turn my head to face Izana and return the question. "What did you do?"

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