Part 3 - Chapter 13

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The loud music of the club was seeping under the closed door. The bass was thumping in tune with my rapid heartbeat. It now seemed like a whole world separated me and the person holding me at gunpoint from the hundreds of people having fun one floor below us.

I would have switched places with any of them if that meant I could stop feeling the gun pressed to the back of my head. Since Izana had gotten shot by Kisaki, the mere mention of the weapon had me shivering in fear. Kurokawa was the proof that no matter how good of a fighter you are, you don't stand a chance against a loaded gun.

One second is all it takes to pull a trigger. One second and I'd be gone.

I would never get to say goodbye to Mitsuya, Rindou, Ran, Hina, Draken, Chifuyu, Erika-

"Try to leave or try to look at me and you're dead." The man warned behind my back, cutting off my stream of frantic thoughts.

I felt like I had heard his voice before but couldn't really put a face to it. Or maybe the alcohol, combined with the pure fear coursing through my veins, made it impossible to.

"Do you understand?" He asked me.

I didn't answer. My throat was so tight I was unable to push any word out. And If I parted my lips, the desperate sob that was creeping up my throat might slip out.

I flinched when he rammed the barrel of his gun into the back of my head, repeating himself. "Do you fucking understand?"

"Yes!" I whimpered, my chin trembling.

"Good. Now close your eyes and turn around." He instructed.

I squeezed my eyes shut and slowly turned around to face him.

The feeling of his gun pressed to the back of my head disappeared for a second, and I sucked in a wobbly breath of relief. However, my respite was short-lived because as soon my back was to the door behind me, I felt the man press his gun to my foreahead.

My breathing staggered as he slowly dragged the muzzle of his gun down my temple, cheek, jawline, and neck. While the trail of kisses the Haitani brothers' lips had left on my skin had felt searing, the path his gun traced against my skin felt freezing cold, icing my body to the bones.

I heard him exhale as he grabbed my waist with one hand while he slowly slid the muzzle of his gun along the side of my chest and my hips with his other hand. The weapon lingered on the place where the hem of my dress met my bare thigh.

Then I felt his breath fall across my lips and the tip of his nose brush against mine. Which meant our faces were now only a few inches apart.

This was it. I was going to get sexually assaulted and then killed. Here. Alone. Well, not entirely alone. I was going to die in the company of a psychopath I would never be able to see the face of.

I wasn't sure if I believed in heaven and hell, or if I believed there was anything after death, but if there was, all I hoped was that I'd get to see my mother, Baji, and Izana again. Tears sprung to my eyes as I started picturing them.

"Don't cry." The man ordered.

I bit my quivering lower lip and tried to hold back my tears, but it seemed like the harder I tried, the more they were threatening to break free.

"I said don't cry!" He repeated louder, and I flinched.

"Sorry." I whispered as one single traitorous tear slipped from my closed eyes and ran down my cheek.


The feeling of his gun against my thigh and his hand on my waist vanished at the same time he cussed under his breath.

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