Part 2 - Chapter 10

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Baji din't come to school the next day, Mikey either. I felt terrible about what happened even if I knew it wasn't only my fault. After school, I walked to Baji's house to bring him his homework, but really it was just an excuse to see if he was okay.

It's Risa, Baji's mother, who opened the door. She was a petite, curvy woman with long black hair and almond-shaped brown eyes. She always wore a grin that revealed her white teeth and pointy canines. It was pretty clear who Baji got his good looks from.

"Y/N! It's so nice to see you!"

She pulled me into a suffocating hug, smothering me with her generous breasts. But hey, I'm not complaining.

"Look at you!" She exclaimed as she pulled away, her stare sweeping me from head to toe. "You're turning into such a beautiful woman!"

"Thank you." I smiled at her. "Is Keisuke here?" It always feels so weird to call Baji by his first name.

Risa's eyes widened, and so did her smile. "Finally! I always knew you two would date someday!"

"Oh, no we're not-" Before I could correct her, she had wrapped her arms around me again, hugging me even harder than before. "You know, even when you used to come here with Mikey, I thought you and Keisuke would be so much better for each other!"

"We're not dat-"

"Oh, I'm so happy! I should have guessed you were already dating! He could barely stop talking about you-"

"Mom? Who are you talking to?" Baji called.

Over Risa's shoulder, I saw him walk out of his bedroom, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a black T-shirt. His mouth dropped open when he noticed me in his mother's arms.

"Mom!" He walked up to us, and his mother finally let go of me, allowing me to breathe again. "What were you telling her?" He asked her, his cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

His mother raised her hands in self-defense. "Oh nothing, nothing." Then she turned to me and winked.

Baji's blush intensified as his eyes switched between me and his mother.

Risa glanced at the watch on her wrist. "I'm already late for work!"

I knew she worked the night shifts as a cleaning lady in a hospital. She grabbed her bag, and I stepped to the side to let her walk out of her apartment. Before leaving, she turned to her son again. "There's food in the fridge, okay?" Then she turned to me. "If you want to stay the night, you can, honey." She punctuated her offer with a wiggle of her eyebrows and a wink, and it was my turn to blush.

"Just go, already." Baji mumbled.

We both watched his mother walk away, and when she was out of earshot, I turned to Baji, grinning. "You mom is soooo fine." I teased.

"Jesus, I swear you're worse than my guy friends." He rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the beginning of a smile tugging at his lips. "You wanna come in?" He asked.


He stepped to the side so I could walked into his apartment. I turned to him as he closed the door behind us. My smile started to fall when I noticed the multiple bruises and cuts on his face. "Baji, I'm-"

"Don't." He raised his hand to interrupt me. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"But it's my fault if Mikey punched you. It's my fault you quit Toman and joined Valhalla-"

"That wasn't your fault."

My brows furrowed in confusion, and Baji sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I had been planning on joining Valhalla for a while now. You just... gave me a good excuse."

His answer only brought me more confusion. "I don't understand. Why would you want to join Valhalla?"

He sighed again. "It's complicated."

"Does it have something to do with Kisaki?" I asked.

When his eyes ever so slightly widened, my intuition was confirmed.

First, Takemichi, and now Baji? Who else is suspicious of Kisaki? And should I be concerned about Hina's safety?

Today, she told me that Kisaki officially joined Toman, he has even been appointed as a division captain, one day before an important fight between Toman and Valhalla on Thursday. Does that have something to do with Baji's actions?

So many questions, so little answers.

"Just promise me you won't do anything stupid, okay?" I asked.

Baji smiled softly, his gaze softening. "I promise." He jerked a thumb at his living room. "You wanna stay? I was gonna watch a movie."


We both settled on the sofa with a bunch of snacks, and Baji turned on a movie while I pulled up a fuzzy blanket over our legs. But I couldn't focus on what was happening on the screen before our eyes because of everything that had happened recently.

Baji sneaked a glance at me, finding me staring into space.

"You okay?" He asked, pausing the movie.

"Sorry, I just..." My voice trailed off, and I bit my bottom lip as I thought. "Did you mean what you told Mikey?" I asked, turning to him.

"You mean..." He smirked. "About your pussy?"

My cheeks turned painfully warm. "No ! Not that, pervert !" I threw a pillow at him that he easily caught, chuckling. I had to wait a few seconds for my cheeks to return to their natural color. "I meant, when you told him that I deserved to be treated better?"

Baji's smile wavered, his expression turning more serious. "Yeah I did. Why?"

"I don't know..." I looked off to the side. "Sometimes I feel like maybe Mikey was the best I'll ever have. He cheated on me but at least I think he really loved me."

"Y/N." Baji scooted closer to me. I looked at him as he cupped my cheek, his thumb softly rubbing my lower lip. "You're beautiful, you're smart, and you're funny, so trust me when I say you'll have no trouble finding someone who will love you as much as Mikey, if not even more. And it'll be someone who doesn't cheat on you. Someone who treats you right."

He paused, and we stared at each other for a moment. When his eyes fell to my lips, I thought he was going to lean in and kiss me, but instead he asked: "I heard you were going on a double date with Hanma, Hina, and Kisaki. Is it true?"

"Yeah, but I actually don't know if I'll go. I'm just not sure I'm ready to date again."

"Can you promise me something?" He asked, slowly letting his hand fall back down. He placed it on my thigh, rubbing my skin with his thumb. "When you feel ready to date again," He started, his eyes not leaving my own. "Give me a chance."

My lips parted in surprise as he continued. "You and me. One date."

"Just one date?"

"That's all I need to make you fall for me." He replied with a smug smirk.

My stomach fluttered and I felt my cheeks heat again. "You're a cocky little thing, aren't you?" I asked, throwing another pillow at Baji to mask my blush.

His smirk widened. "So is that a yes?"

I nodded in response.

After Toman and Valhalla's fight, I'll go on a date with you, Baji, I thought.

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