Part 3 - Chapter 4

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I was nearly sprinting when I arrived to work the next morning. Erika saw me run through the double doors of the lobby. 

"Hey! You're late."

"Yeah, I got held up on the subway."

Lie. I slept through my alarm because I couldn't sleep for hours after Ran and Rindou left. I kept thinking about my letters that they apparently never received.

"They already went up." Erika informed me as I jogged past the front desk.

"Who?" I asked her over my shoulder, panting.

"The investors."

"Shit!" I forgot about that.

In the elevator, I smoothed a hand down my pencil skirt, fixed my hair and checked my makeup in the mirror. By the time I stepped off the elevator, I looked presentable.

I dropped my purse on the chair behind my desk and grabbed a notebook that I clutched to my chest as I stopped in front of my boss's office. I knocked twice and waited.

My boss's voice came muffled through the door after a few seconds. "Come in."

I opened the door and stepped into his office, finding him and his three guests already settled on the left corner of the room where a glass coffee table was surrounded by four black leather armchairs.

"This is my assistant, Y/N." I heard my boss introduce me to the three men as I closed the door behind me.

Ugh. Can't you at least introduce me with my last name, asshole- I paused as I turned around, my gaze meeting the eyes of one of the investors who was staring over his shoulder at me.


I almost dropped the notebook I was holding against my chest as a cocktail of feelings rolled through me, a cross between anger, dread and excitement.

What the hell is he doing here? Guess he didn't lie when he said we'd see each other again very soon...

I brought my eyes to my boss as I crossed his office, but while I did so, I was aware of the way Rindou's gaze followed me through the room.

Stopping next to my boss's chair, I could now see the faces of the three investors. As expected, Ran was one of them.

"Pleased to meet you." I greeted them, slightly bowing my head down and feigning not to know them.

My boss jerked a thumb at me, smirking. "I trained her pretty well, haven't I?" He joked.

The third man snorted, and I looked at him for the first time since I had entered the room. His eyes were a piercing blue and his hair was dyed pink and styled in a mullet. There were two rosy scars on the corners of his mouth.

My boss flicked a gaze up at me, and I looked down at him as he spoke to me. "I was just telling those gentlemen how important it is to surround yourself with people that are both good workers," He dropped his eyes to my thighs, letting them linger there as he continued. "and pleasant to look at."

The man with the pink hair grinned as he leaned back in his armchair. I couldn't tell if he was amused by the way my boss was treating me or if Rindou's not-so-subtle reaction entertained him, because it was clear that Rindou wasn't fucking laughing. His face remained impassive as he ran a thumb across his sharp jaw, but his eyes thinned as he stared at my boss, and I wondered if, just like I had every day since I had started working here, he was imagining every way he could beat my boss up.

A rectangular tattoo on Rindou's neck drew my attention. I hadn't noticed it yesterday in the darkness of my bedroom, but now in broad dayligt, I could study it. It had seen the same design as something I had seen somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where.

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