Part 3 - Chapter 25

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Let me just say that driving with Ran was way more fun than being in the car with Sanzu. He let me put on some music and even sang with me, using a bottle of water I'd found in his car as a fake mic. CPR by cupcake, Pass the Dutchie by Musical Youth, M.I.A. Bag Girls,... He knew all the lyrics.

Honestly, Ran is so fun to be around.

He even let me borrow a set of clothes that he keeps in the back of his car in case he ever needs to change. I put on his gray hoodie over my dress. It's five times too big for me but it's so comfortable.

I feel good. The memories of the night I spent with Rindou are still lingering. 

However, the atmosphere shifts when we get home. 

"We're back!" Ran announces as Sanzu, Rindou and I step into the lobby.

It's eerily silent inside.

"Maybe they're gone," Rindou says, shrugging.

The two brothers start climbing the stairs and Sanzu and I follow behind, walking up the steps alongside each other.

"I thought you were smarter than this but no, you're definitely stupid."

Sanzu's comment scrambles my thoughts. I bristle next to him. 

Several seconds pass before I retaliate by taunting him back, whispering, "Come on, Sanzu. I'm sure you can get more creative with your insults than that."

I hear his irritated exhale.

"That thing between Rindou and you, it's not going to end well and you know it," He whispers through clenched teeth.

"Mikey will never find out," I whisper back.

He huffs out a dark, quiet laugh. 

"Oh, trust me, he will. Mikey always finds out everything. And when he does," – He jerks his head to Rindou who has just reached the top of the flight of stairs with his brother – "He's dead." – He looks back at me – "I'm dead. We're all dead."

I jerk to a halt in the middle of the staircase and so does Sanzu. We turn to each other, and I grit out, still whispering so Ran and Rindou don't hear us, "Mikey shouldn't have a say on who I sleep with." 

"Maybe he shouldn't, but he does," Sanzu fires back.

"You act like he's –" I fumble, fail for words, " like he's in love with me or something. But he's – He's not, okay? We care about each other a lot. He's just protective, possessive, he's not in love with me-"

"Every time you open your mouth, you say something stupider," He spits out and I freeze up. His eyes search mine in fast clicks. "Do you have any sense at all? Any idea how much he -"

"Hey," Rindou calls after us, cutting Sanzu off.

Sanzu and I turn to Rindou and his brother who are standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for us.

"You coming or what?" Ran asks.

Taking a deep breath, I climb the rest of the steps, Sanzu falling in line behind me. 

The four of us walk into the living room and when we do, three voices scream at the same time, "Happy birthday!"

I gasp in surprise.

Mikey, Kakucho and Kokonoi are standing in the middle of the room. Kakucho is holding a big chocolate cake in his hands. They're all looking in my direction and instinctively, I turn to Sanzu who's standing right behind me and I wish him happy birthday. But he quickly shakes his head no, his brows furrowing as he returns my gaze. 

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