Part 2 - Chapter 33

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Spoiler warning for people who have only watched the anime

Author's note: Because I haven't included Emma in the story so far, I won't include her in this part as well, which means I'll change several things about the plot for it to make sense with this story. 

The fight between Tenjiku and Toman would take place in Yokohama's bay. Mitsuya drove us there on his motorbike. On the way, I couldn't help but think about the kiss him and I had just shared in my bedroom. 

He said he had been wanting to do that for a long time, but then what about the girl he told me he liked when we were at the café? Wait. My cheeks burned as I finally connected the dots. God, I'm so stupid. I'm the girl he likes?  I wanted to bury my face in my hands in embarrassment but I couldn't let go of Mitsuya at the risk of flying off his motorbike.

We stopped when we reached the pier where a lot of other Toman members were already waiting next to their motorbikes. Mitsuya and I both got off his motorbike and turned to the beach. The view the spot offered over the pacific ocean was beautiful, but unfortunately, we couldn't really afford to enjoy it considering the fight that was about to take place.

My gaze was sweeping the horizon when Hakkai approached Mitsuya.

"You ready?" He asked the captain of his division who grinned at him. Actually, I don't think Mitsuya had stopped smiling since we had left my bedroom. "Yeah, let's go." He said.

Everyone headed towards a large wharf built on the bay next to a shipbuilding. I thought I caught sight of Mikey, Draken, and Takemichi who were walking ahead of the group, but my view was blocked by taller gang members in front of me so I couldn't be sure.

I was so tensed that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand was placed on my shoulder. My head snapped to my left, and I met a pair of green eyes.

"Hi." Chifuyu greeted me with a squeeze of my shoulder.


He leaned in closer to me to whisper in my ear, "Takemichi told Hina, Mikey, and Draken about his time-travels, and about what Kisaki has done in the future."

I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. Now 6 people knew that Kisaki was evil and ready to do anything to get Hina, which meant 6 people would now do everything to help Takemichi defeat Tetta during the fight.

Chifuyu leaned away from me and stared ahead of him as our group reached a big open area enclosed by large, colorful shipping containers. 500 Tenjiku members were already there. Atop one of the big shipping containers behind them stood five silhouettes: Izana, Hanma, Kisaki, Ran and Rindou. Izana's eyes were scanning the crowd of Toman members as if he was searching for something, or someone.

I averted my gaze away from him to look at Kakucho when he stepped out of the crowd of Tenjiku members. He spoke up, announcing that the battle was about to start. But suddenly, Izana raised his hand, and Kakucho immediately shut up to look at his leader. A silence settled over the entire crowd as we all waited for Izana to speak.

"Y/N!" Izana called out my name, and it felt like my blood had instantly frozen in my veins. "Step forward!" he ordered.

Every Toman member immediately turned to look at me, and I suddenly wished the ground would open and swallow me whole.

Mitsuya's brows knitted together as he looked at me. "How does he know you?"

"And how does he know you're here?" Chifuyu asked from next to me.

That's right, Hina was the only one of my friends who knew about my training sessions with Izana. I wanted to explain everything to Mitsuya and Chifuyu, but all eyes were on me, and as long as I didn't show myself to Izana, the fight wouldn't start. So I took a deep breath before weaving my way through the crowd. The Toman members stepped to the side to let me walk between them. Once I reached the front of the group, I saw that Mikey, Draken and Takemichi were watching me approach.

Mikey grabbed my arm as I walked past him. "Don't-"

"I'll be fine." I cut him off.

Slowly, he let go of my arm, and I started walking towards Izana who hopped off the shipping container to come meet me halfway between the two gangs. We stopped a meter away from each other.

We hadn't seen each other since our altercation at Ran and Rindou's apartment. After having seen him every single afternoon for weeks, I couldn't believe the situation we were in at that moment. But I guess it was both our faults and our losses. I didn't want to play his little games anymore, and as a result, I had lost someone I had considered a mentor, someone I had liked. As for Izana, he probably would have regretted saying the things he said to me if regret was an emotion he was capable of feeling. Because of what he'd said, he had lost someone he could easily manipulate, but also someone he had enjoyed spending time with.

"I'll admit you look good in Toman's uniform." He commented loud enough for the others to hear, his stare sweeping me from head to toe.

The crowd of Tenjiku members erupted in snickers while they eyed me and my body. Nobody in Toman laughed though. They might have reacted the same way as the Tenjiku members when they had seen me at the ceremony yesterday, but now that I was part of their group, they owed me respect. Their change of attitude could most likely be attributed to what Mikey had done to Minato; I doubted that any other Toman member wanted to risk getting roundhouse kicked in the face by their leader.

I stayed frozen in place as Izana started circling me. Once again, he spoke loud enough for the others to hear, "But I think you'd look even better in Tenjiku's uniform."

That shut all of the Tenjiku members up. Their laughter died, and they all watched their leader, confusion written all over their faces. Ran and Rindou were the only ones who didn't seem surprised as they had been present when Izana had offered to let me join his gang. The two brothers studied my reaction from afar as Izana stopped behind my back.

This time, when Izana spoke, he bent down to whisper in my ear so I was the only one to hear, "We could do great things together. I knew it the moment I laid my eyes on you."

"You're right." I replied, turning my head to the right. My nose was almost touching his over my shoulder as we stared into each other's eyes. "We could have done great things together, Izana."

His jaw ticked but he held my gaze, placing his hands on my waist. "You'd really rather fight alongside Mikey than by my side, beautiful?"

I sucked in a breath at the nickname. He knew what he was doing, he knew I had liked him. Which is why I had to hold on to my resolve.

"You and Mikey are not that different, Izana. You both used me. Mikey, for sex. You, for your little plans. None of you is better than the other. But if I have to pick a poison, then I'll choose him."

Izana's gaze hardened at my answer. His breath tickled the side of my neck as he blew out a long breath. He gave his head a small shake and slowly let his hands fall from my waist. "Wrong choice, beautiful."

He got around me again, and facing his gang, he barked, "Ran! Rindou!" The two brothers stared back at their leader whose lips curled up into a smirk. "You know what to do."

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