Part 2 - Chapter 6

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You know the feeling you have when you wake up and you know that something is going to happen. You just know it. It's like a weight in the pit of your stomach, impossible to ignore. Well today, the first day of school, was one of those days for me. 

Last night, I added "threesome" to my Sex Bucket List, and I promised myself it was the last time I was writing something on that list. This morning, I did what I usually did. I got out of bed, took a shower, put my clothes on, grabbed my school bag and walked out the door, while silentlty praying that what I felt was bound to happen to me today would be good and not terrible.  

On my way to school, I was brimming with a strange mixture of excitement and dread. A soft smile pulled at my lips as I walked past a couple holding hands. 

When I found out Mikey was cheating on me, I convinced myself that being in a healthy relationship with a nice, respectful boyfriend was simply something I would never have. But why? Maybe if I found the right person, I-

"Hey." Someone called me, interrupting my train of thoughts.

Looking over my shoulder, I watched Rindou as he jogged to catch up with me.

"Oh... Hi, Rin." I greeted him back hesitantly as he started walking alongside me, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Are you okay?" He asked, glancing at me sideways.

"Yeah, why?"

"You left Hiroto's party without saying goodbye." He noticed. "I thought I might have done something wrong."

"Oh, no." I reassured him. "I just had to get Hina home because she was really drunk. That's all."

Rindou nodded, then his eyes traveled down my body slowly, as if he was looking for something.

"You sure you're okay? You're not sore?" He asked, his brows scrunching up in worry.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done to Rindou Haitani?" I joked. It seemed so unlike him to be worried about someone.

"Sorry, it's just..." He paused, scratching the back of his neck. "I just feel like I might have been a little too rough with you and-"

"Rin." I interrupted him, smiling up at him. "You were great. Seriously."

He slightly relaxed, his shoulders sagging. The corner of his lips tipped up as he gave me one rare smile. "So you don't regret what happened?" He asked as we both stopped near the school gates.

"No." I replied, turning to him. "Do you?"

"No." There wasn't a hint  of hesitation in his answer. "Although,..." He paused, staring down into my eyes. "I think it made me realize something."

"What?" I asked.

His smile widened.

I don't think I'd ever seen him look so adorable. Yet, there was something possessive in his gaze that didn't quite match his cute grin.

"I fucking hate sharing." He said. "So for next time-"

"Actually," I interrupted him. "There won't be a next time."

"Why not?"

"I just..." I paused, sighing. "I don't wanna do that kind of stuff anymore. I'm looking for something serious now."

"Like a boyfriend?"

I nodded. "A boyfriend."

He looked up to the sky as if he was mulling my words over, then  he looked back down at me. "I'll pick you up at 6 on Wednesday." Was all he said before walking towards the school gates.

"What? Wait!" I had to jog to catch up with him. "Pick me up for what?"

"Our first date." He replied as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 

I jerked to a halt and stared at his retreating back until he'd disappeared inside the school building. "What the hell..." I muttered under my breath. Shaking my head, I followed after him, walking into the building. Hina was waiting for me in the hallway.



We greeted each other.

"You okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah but... I just got asked on a date on Wednesday."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "What? By who?"

"Rindou Haitani." 

Her mouth dropped open, confirming my idea that this was definitely not something expected from someone like Rindou. Him and his brother didn't date girls. They fucked them and then left. At least that's what I'd always heard.

"Well," Hina started, linking her arm through mine as we walked down the hallway. "Tell him you already have a date on Wednesday."

"But I don't."

"Yes, you do."

I shot her a confused look.

"You're going on a date with me." She stated with a smile.

I nudged her shoulder and joked: "I would have asked you out sooner if I knew you were into girls, Hina."

"No, dumbass." She laughed. "I mean we're going on a double date."

"With who?"

"You, me, Kisaki and..." She paused, studying my face for my reaction. "Hanma."

I jerked to a halt, making Hina stop with me. "What?!"

"Kisaki asked me on a date so I told him you and Hanma should come with us because I didn't want to be alone with him. Please, don't be mad." She begged.

I thought about it for a second. Maybe it was actually a good thing not to leave Hina alone with Kisaki. I hadn't liked the way he'd tried to touch her at the party. Plus, I don't know... the more I thought about him, the creepier I found him.

"Fine" I finally said. "I'll go."

"Thank you, you're a life saver!" Hina placed a kiss on my cheek.

We both laughed as we continued our walk down the hallway and towards the crowd of students staring at the lists of the new classes which were hung up on the wall. I just hoped I'd still be in class with Draken and Mitsuya this year. Speaking of the two boys, I caught sight of them through the crowd, as well as Mikey who was staring up at the classes lists with a satisfied grin on his lips. 

Hina and I had to stand on our tippy toes to look at the lists over the other students' heads.

"Did you find your name?" I asked her as my eyes scanned the lists of students.

"Yeah, I'm in class A with Chifuyu, Draken, Baji, Hanma, and you're in class B with... oh, shit."

"What?" I asked, my gaze coasting to the list of students for class B.

"You're with Mikey."

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