Part 3 - Chapter 28

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AN : You might want to grab a box of tissues. 

6 years later

"Keisuke ! Izana !" I shout at the two boys and their heads veer in my direction. "How many times do I have to tell you not to jump on the couch? You're going to hurt yourself," I warn, pointing a finger at them.

"Yes, mom," The two boys reply, getting off the couch obediently.

"They're giving you a hard time, hmm?" Kakucho asks me.

I turn my head back to him and Sanzu who are sitting at the dining table with me and I chuckle, "Yeah, I can't imagine what it'll be like when they're teenagers."

"Hey, uncle Kakucho ! Uncle Sanzu !" The identical twins shout as they run to the table.

Keisuke jumps onto Sanzu's lap while Izana climbs onto Kakucho's. They point at their faces where one of them has just drawn the same scars that Sanzu has at the corners of his mouth and the other has drawn the same scar that runs across Kakucho's face.

"We look just like you !" The twins shout, proud of themselves. 

I trap my bottom lip between my teeth and study Kakucho and Sanzu's reactions, worried they'll get offended, but they smile down at the boys, their gazes softening.

When I hear someone knock, I stand up and go open the door. I barely even have time to greet the two newcomers before Izana and Keisuke sprint toward them.

"Koko ! Inui !"

Keisuke and Izana jump on their two godfathers.

"Hey, careful there, buddies." Kokonoi gently pushes the two boys away from him with one hand and I fight a laugh at how awkward he looks interacting with kids. "This is a 5000 dollars Gucci jacket you're touching." He informs the twins who exchange a curious look.

They have just turned 6. They have no clue what 5000 dollars represent, or what 'Gucci' is.

"Happy birthday," Inui wishes the twins while patting the top of their heads.

"Thanks!" Keisuke and Izana flash a toothy smile at their godfathers before they start running again, chasing after each other through the room.

"Thanks for coming," I tell Kokonoi and Inui while they take off their jackets.

"Of course," Inui gives me a smile.

Kokonoi hands me one bottle of champagne and two envelopes.

"That's their gifts," He tells me, jerking his chin to the envelopes. "And don't worry, I listened to you and I paced myself this year," He promises and I narrow my eyes in suspicion.

I turn to Inui.

"Did he really?" I ask the blond man for confirmation.

"Well," – Inui rubs the back of his neck – "he didn't try to buy them a house this year so, I guess yeah, by his own definition he did pace himself."

I look back at Kokonoi who is avoiding my gaze, pretending to look at something on the ceiling.

Each year it's the same: he buys the most luxurious gifts for Keisuke and Izana and each year, I have to tell him that – no Kokonoi, young children do not need diamond-encrusted watches or designer clothes. 

I just don't want my kids to grow up spoiled.

I lead Kokonoi and Inui to the table where they take their seats next to Sanzu and Kakucho. I offer them something to drink before sitting back down at the table with them. We all start talking about anything and everything and several minutes later, I hear the door open quietly and I turn my head to it.

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