Part 3 - Chapter 26

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5 weeks later

5 weeks have passed since my birthday.

Things are getting better.

Of course, I'm not saying things are perfect now.

I still miss Mitsuya.

It's still frustrating not to be able to tell Draken, Hina, Erika, Chifuyu, Kazutora or Takemichi that I'm a part of Bonten.

Sanzu still behaves like an annoying prick. Often.

Ran still flirts too much. All the time.

Kokonoi still spends too much money. But hey, at least now he spends it on Inui. He really pampers him. He must have bought him at least a hundred suits just last week. Worst part is, I don't even think Inui likes wearing suits, but because they're Kokonoi's gifts, he accepts to wear them.

Mikey still withdraws into a world no one else can penetrate sometimes. But he's learned to let me in. 

We spend a lot of time together. Too much time, some people would argue.

Maybe they're right.

I got a tattoo. A real one this time. I got the same one as Mikey, at the exact same spot as him, on the back of my neck. When I wear my hair up in a ponytail or in a bun, it's visible.

When I showed it to Mikey for the first time, he hugged me for a good minute. Then, he turned me around and pressed about a hundred kisses on the fresh ink. He's only affectionate like that when we're alone.

He eats better now. Sleeps better. Doesn't look like the ghost of a Victorian child anymore.

As for Rindou... where to start? 

Well, we've been dating. Secretly. 

We finally got to go on our first date. Better later than never.

He took me to a park at night. When we arrived, a blanket had been laid in the grass. Stars were shining in the sky. He sat down and leaned his back against the bark of a tree and I laid down between his legs while he read me a book under the night sky. It was so, so cliché, but also so romantic. The kind of experience I always thought only fictional characters got to live.

He often sleeps in my bed, and when the morning comes, he sneaks out of my room and goes back to his own room. In the day-light, we pretend to be nothing but two people who are part of the same gang, who work for the same boss. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to tease me during the day. 

Like he's doing now. 

We're all having breakfast. Rindou is sitting next to me. Under the table, he has a hand placed on my thigh and with the tip of his finger, he traces letter after letter against my skin. While pretending to listen to the others' conversation, I'm actually focusing on the silent message Rindou is trying to give me.


He traces another letter against my thigh.

L ?




A pause.




I dip my chin to hide my smile from the others. I reach one hand under the table and give Rindou's hand a squeeze.

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