Part 4 - Chapter 3

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Mikey's pov

As I sit on the edge of one of the beds in the nurse's office, my injured hand resting in my lap, the bet Izana made with Hanma and Ran is still plaguing my thoughts. Am I surprised Izana would have an idea like that? Not really. Am I surprised Ran and Hanma would accept? Not at all. But am I scared at the idea of Y/N falling for their tricks? Yes. Terrified. 

"What happened to your hand?" Y/N's voice jolts me from my thoughts, and I lift my gaze to meet hers. She has just entered the nurse's office, and her eyes are fixed on my injured hand.

"Nothing," I mumble dismissively as she moves closer.

"Yeah, right. Nothing," she mutters sarcastically, settling on the edge of the bed beside mine, facing me.

"Why are you here?" I ask her.

Her gaze avoids mine as she traps her bottom lip between her teeth. She often does  this when she's uncomfortable

Just then, the nurse enters the room with a box filled with menstrual products. "So I have panty liners, pads for light flow, pads for heavy flow and tampons." 

I observe Y/N's face flush with embarrassment, and I struggle to suppress a chuckle.

"I'll take a pad for light flow," Y/N mumbles, her discomfort evident.

The nurse hands her a pad. "I'll be back with your medication," she tells her before exiting the room. 

Y/N's gaze returns to me, and I can't help but exhale a quiet laugh. Her brows furrow in an adorably perplexed manner.

"Hey, are you laughing at me? It's not funny. My period cramps hurt really bad, okay?" she retorts defensively, her eyes narrowing.

"I know," I murmur, unable to hold back the small, nostalgic smile tugging at my lips.

Her brows furrow further. "What?"

"Nothing," I quickly interject, attempting to brush off the moment. But deep down, I still remember all the time I spent cuddling her when she was on her period, when we were around the same age as we are now and we were dating. I would bring her chocolate and ice cream to cheer her up, and we would watch her favorite movies together, spooning with a heating pad. But I remember that one time we discovered together that the best thing that helped with her period cramps was...

"Ginger tea," the words escape my lips almost involuntarily in a gentle murmur that Y/N manages to hear.

"Sorry?" she asks.

I clear my throat and repeat a little louder, "Ginger tea. You should drink some, for your cramps."

She shakes her head slightly. "I don't think it's going to work—"

"It's going to work," I assure her.

A silent pause ensues, and her eyes remain locked with mine, silently questioning knowledge.

The nurse returns with a painkiller and a glass of water for Y/N, who gives her a polite smile. "Thank you."

Turning her attention to me, the nurse informs, "I'll be right back to attend to your hand," before leaving the room once again.

I shift my focus back to Y/N, observing as she places the painkiller in her mouth. She lifts the glass to her lips and takes a sip to swallow the pill. My gaze lingers on her pretty lips, captivated by their movement.

She jumps off the bed and heads for the door, but midway through the room, she pauses and turns to face me once more.

"I'm sorry I called you an asshole this morning," she apologizes.

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