Part 2 - Chapter 19

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Don't have a dirty mind. This is just how my training sessions with Izana usually went, punctuated by the orders he shouted at me.

He had been particularly relentless today. I had been hitting the punching bag for 20 minutes nonstop now, and he still hadn't allowed me to take a single break.

Exhausted, I slowly lowered my fists, shooting Izana a pleading look. "Can I take a quick break ?"

There wasn't the faintest trace of empathy showing on his face as he stared back at me with his arms crossed over his naked chest. "No."

I sighed, using the back of my hand to wipe a drop of sweat off my forehead.

"You're weak." Izana started. Slowly, he walked around me, disappearing behind my back as he circled me. "The punches you throw are pathetic." He re-appeared to my right, his stare sweeping me from head to toe. "And you have no stamina."

"That's a little harsh." I muttered under my breath.

"I'm not here to spare your feelings." He replied blankly.

"Now, now." Two hands grabbed my shoulders from behind me. "Don't go too hard on her, Izana."


I looked over my shoulder at him, finding him staring down at me with a grin. He winked at me and gave my shoulders a comforting squeeze before walking over to the boxing ring where his next opponent was already waiting. A small smile tugged at my lips as my gaze followed him, but the second I noticed Izana wasn't in my line of my sight anymore, my heart skipped a beat.

'Never get distracted' was the first lesson he had taught me and was still trying to drill into my brain.

Before I could react, he had swept one leg under my feet from behind, making me fall to the floor of the gym.

"What the hell?!" I stood back up and whirled around to face him, finding him standing behind me. "What was that for?!"

"For getting distracted." He answered, then he flicked a slow gaze at Kakucho. "Is that who you're gonna throw yourself at next?"

"W-what?" I stuttered.

He stepped up to me, his eyes boring down into mine as he drew closer. Once again, he started circling me, stopping behind my back. I felt his lips brush my ear as he whispered. "I heard he likes to sleep around. I bet you two have that in common."

I was too stunned to say anything. Izana had never talked to me like this, or been this close to me. When he grabbed me by the hips to press my body against his, I swallowed a gasp.

"Are you easy, Y/N?" He breathed in my ear. "I bet you are."

With one hand, he freed my hair from my hair tie, letting my long locks cascade freely down my back. I felt the tip of his nose brush my temple as he reached his other hand around my belly, slowly tracing the elastic of my leggings with his fingers, and when he slid them under it, I caught his wrist. "Izana-"

"Don't tell me you don't like that, you little slut." He drawled against my temple, pressing his body harder against mine. His fingers slowly slid lower, under the elastic of my panties. "I bet you're such a good fuck-"

I whirled around and used the quick motion to punch him right square in the nose. Blood started dripping from his nose as he stumbled back. He brought his hand to his face and collected one drop of blood on the tip of his index finger, staring down at it for a few seconds.

To my surprise, the corner of his lips slowly tipped up. "Finally, you did it."


My mouth opened, closed, opened, then closed again.

"That wasn't too bad." He stepped up to me and ruffled my hair, the most affection he'd ever showed me so far.

I watched him, my eyebrows furrowed in anger and confusion, as he walked over to the nearest bench. He sat on it, spreading his legs apart and leaning his elbows on his thighs.

When his gaze met my confused one, he chuckled under his breath at my expression. "Relax. I was just trying to rile you up so you would tap into your anger. It worked."

"So... you didn't mean what you said?" I asked.

"No." He answered, reaching one arm to hand me my hair tie back.

I heaved a small, relieved sigh and used the hair tie to tie my hair up into a ponytail again. He watched me for a moment, then he tore his gaze away from me, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. I caught him shaking his head as if trying to come back from whatever thought he was having. 

"Wait. Let me help you." I offered when he brought a tissue to his nose so he could soak up the blood. I walked up to him and grabbed the tissue from his hand before bending down, chewing on my bottom lip as I studied his nose.

Hmmm, It doesn't look broken.

When I looked up into Izana's eyes, I found them fixed on my lips, his jaw clenched. My cheeks heated with a painfully warm blush, and I took a step back.

"Yep, you're all good." I blurted out.

Quickly, I strode to the other end of the gym and into the changing rooms where I took my bag before walking back out. Izana was still sitting on the bench, staring down at the bloodied tissue in his hands. I retrieved a piece of cake in a small cardboard box as I approached him. Mitsuya and I hadn't finished all the pastries we had ordered earlier this afternoon so why not give the leftovers to Izana?


He looked up, his eyes settling on the cardboard box. "What's that?"

"Chocolate cake. To thank you for what you've been doing for me."

He ran a hand across his mouth, wiping off a hint of a smile. "I don't like cake."

"Oh... " My smile started to fall, then I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess I can give it to someone else." I turned to the boxing ring where Kakucho and Shion were still fighting. "Hey, Kakuch-"

Before I could fully utter his name, Izana had caught my wrist, making me look back at him.

"I'll eat it."

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