Part 3 - Chapter 10

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After finding the letters, I stormed out of Mitsuya's work studio. I felt like I was going to throw up.

I called in sick at work, then I went home and took the rest of the afternoon to pack my stuff. I left my engagement ring on the kitchen counter with a note that read 'I know about the letters'.

It was already past 9pm when I walked out of our house. I put my two travel bags in the trunk of the uber that was waiting for me and then hopped in.

"Where to?" The driver asked me.

I hadn't even thought that far... All I knew was that I didn't want to see Mitsuya.

I couldn't go to Hina and Takemichi's. The two of them already lived in an apartment barely big enough for the two of them. Same as for Chifuyu and Kazutora: they shared the top floor of the pet shop together.

I gave the only other address I could think of to the driver. 15 minutes later, he parked in front of a small house. I paid and thanked him before hopping out of the car. I took my two heavy travel bags from the trunk and carried them to the front door. Then I knocked twice and waited. 

Draken opened a few seconds later. He was wearing a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, clearly ready to go to bed.

"Y/N? Everything okay?" He asked, his brows scrunching up in worry as his gaze travelled from me to my travel bags.

"Yeah. Sorry to drop by announced like this, I uhm..." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "I just..."

I just found out that the man I got engaged to yesterday not only called the police on the guy I liked but also stole the letters I had tried to send him while he was in prison. I closed my mouth, unable to force the explanation out.

Draken stepped out of his house and bent down to take one of my travel bags from my hand. Then he straightened back up and gave me a small smile as he stepped to the side. "Come in."

I exhaled, returning his smile. I walked past him and entered the lobby of his house. It was located a block away from the bike shop he owned. He lived there with Inui who also worked with him.

I think Inui had filled the void Mikey had left in Draken's life a little bit. They were close friends now and spent most of their time together. Inui even let Draken do his hair the way Mikey used to.

Speaking of Inui, he must have heard Draken and I because the door of his bedroom creaked open and his head peeked out.

"Hi, Y/N." He greeted me quietly, his sleepy eyes half-lidded.

"Hi, Inui. Sorry if I woke you up."

"Don't worry about it."

He walked out of his room and down the hallway. He bent down to take my other travel bag and, with Draken, he carried the bag to the living room. I thanked them, then Inui went back to his room to go back to sleep.

"What happened?" Draken asked me, sitting on the couch next to me.

My gaze dropped to the floor. I still hadn't processed what had happened yet.

"I left Mitsuya." I finally said, looking up at Draken who was watching me.

Since I had started dating Mitsuya, Draken and I's relationship had stayed completely platonic, but he had never stopped acting protective of me and we had remained close. He'd had his fair share of one night stands and short-lived adventures with all types of girls, but he had never settled down with anyone. Nor had he ever introduced any of them to me or the rest of our friend group. It was a shame. Draken deserved to find someone he'd fall in love with.

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