Part 4 - Chapter 8

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"Look what I found!" My mother bursts into my bedroom, her voice filled with excitement. I tear my gaze away from my phone to see her proudly holding up a long red dress. "It's the dress I wore to my first school dance!" she exclaims, rushing over to my bed. "Do you want to wear it for your school dance on Friday? I'm sure it'd look amazing on you!"

At the mention of the school dance, a shadow crosses my face and my mother's grin falters.

"What's wrong?" she asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"It's nothing, I just..." I let out a sigh, my shoulders slumping. "I don't know if I'll go to the dance. I don't even have a date. I thought Mitsuya was going to ask me, but he hasn't."

"You could go with one of your girl friends," she suggests, but I sigh again.

"They'll both have dates."

I'm pretty sure Takemichi will ask Hina this weekend, and Senju already mentioned she was going to ask Chifuyu this week.

"You could also go alone," my mother suggests. "I'm sure you wouldn't be the only one."

I draw my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. "Yeah, maybe."

"Oh, sweetie." She lays a comforting hand on my arm. "You know what? I'll make sashimi for dinner. It'll cheer you up!"

I nod, watching her leave my bedroom.

About 30 minutes later, I'm texting Mitsuya when the doorbell rings, and my mom calls out from the kitchen, "Y/N? Can you get the door?"

"Yeah!" I shout in response, rolling off the bed. 

I descend the stairs and open the front door, finding Rindou standing on the porch. 

"Hi," I breathe out, surprised.

"Hi," he greets quietly.

A hint of a smile is playing on his lips, and my heart starts to flutter, just like it did last night when we kissed.

"Hi!" Another voice joins in, and I tear my eyes away from Rindou, only now realizing that Ran is also there on my porch.

"Oh, hi Ran."

"We just stopped by to see how you were doing after yesterday," Rindou explains, and my gaze returns to him.

I touch my bandaged cheek. "Oh, I'm fine. Really, it doesn't hurt at all."

He smiles. "Good."

Our gazes stay locked for a moment and I almost forget Ran is also there until he speaks up again. "Just so you know, I'll never let Hailey into our apartment ever again," he promises. "You have my word."

I offer him a grateful smile. "Thanks, Ran."

"Who is it?" My mother inquires curiously, emerging from the kitchen. She comes to stand next to me in the doorway and her eyes land on the two brothers standing on our porch.

"This is Ran and Rindou. We go to the same school," I explain to her. "They were just checking up on me."

Her gaze softens, and she smiles warmly at them. "How nice of you."

Ran flashes her a charming smile. "You must be Y/N's sister."

I cringe at the line while my mom corrects, amusement twinkling in her eyes, "No, I'm her mother." 

"It's nice to meet you ma'am-" Rindou starts to speak, but his brother quickly cuts in, "What? Her mother? You don't look a day over 25!"

My mother's smile widens. She's clearly flattered. "Thank you!"

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