Part 2 - Chapter 25

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09:39 - Time to cash in that little favor you owe me

That text from Izana is what I woke up to the next morning. I looked over my shoulder at Mitsuya, finding him sleeping with his eyes closed and a smile playing on his lips. Slowly, I slid out of his arms and out of bed. 

Once I was inside my bathroom, I re-read Izana's text several times as if it could magically reveal what 'that little favor' would be. Then two other texts popped up on my screen.

09:41 – Meet me at the gym at 6pm

09:41 – Wear something cute

I grinned like an idiot at the thought that Izana might have wanted me to go on a date with him as a way to repay him for the fighting lessons he'd been giving me. But then, my smile started to fall as I looked up in the mirror where a girl with tousled hair and a puffy face stared back at me.

In the matter of 25 minutes, I took a shower, did my hair, put on a little bit of makeup, and quietly rummaged through my closet to find something to wear. After checking the weather for today and seeing it was going to be a warm day, I settled with a dress, a cardigan, and a pair of white sneakers.

My mom was already gone when I walked out of my house to go buy some breakfast for Mitsuya and I. I came back a few minutes later with Takashi's favorite breakfast: chocolate croissants. 

Mitsuya was still asleep when I entered my bedroom.

"Mitsuya?" I called his name softly as I sat on the edge of my bed, but he didn't move.

Tentatively, I reached out a hand and ran my fingers through his hair, ever so lightly scratching his scalp with my nails. The corner of his lips tipped up as he let out a little 'hmm' of appreciation. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and I giggled as he pulled me against him, forcing me to lay next to him. The tip of his nose tickled the side of my neck as he breathed me in.

"You smell really good." He complimented.


"What time is it?"


"Oh, shit."

He let go of me and jumped out of bed, hastily putting his clothes and sneakers back on.

"I have to walk Luna and Mana to their piano lessons." He explained.

"Oh, okay..."

He must have noticed the twinge of disappointment in my voice because he paused to look at me. 

"Did you uhm..." He scratched the back of his neck, his cheeks turning red. "want us to spend the day together or-"

"No, no. Don't worry about it." I smiled and stood up. "My mom has already left anyway, so no need for you to pretend you're my boyfriend anymore." 

I walked past him to get to my door but he caught my wrist, making me turn around to face him.

"Listen, I..." He seemed to hesitate.

"Yes?" I pressed, but he swallowed hard, giving his head a small shake.


He slowly let go of my wrist and then followed me to the front door.

"Wait. Before you go-" I went into my kitchen and took the paper bag with the pastries to hand it to him. "It's chocolate croissants. I took several, so you can give some to Luna and Mana." I explained with a smile.

He glanced down at the paper bag then looked back up to me. "Thanks." 

Once again, he held my gaze a moment longer, seemingly hesitating as if there was something he wanted to say but didn't know if he should.

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