Part 3 - Chapter 6

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As arranged, a car driven by a chauffeur came to pick me up at 2. He pulled up in front of an old building in Roppongi 15 minutes later. Sanzu and Rindou were already waiting for me oustide, the two of them sharing a cigarette. They turned to me when I stepped out of the vehicle. 

"Welcome, welcome..." Sanzu mused as I approached them, adjusting my skirt on my thighs and my purse on my shoulder.

I nodded once in response with a small, tight-lipped smile, then I turned to Rindou who was exhaling a ribbon of cigarette smoke, his gaze locked on me. 

Over the last few years, I had developed a feeling of unadulterated hatred for cigarettes. My mother, who was a smoker herself, had succumbed to lung cancer two years ago.

"Could you avoid smoking around me, please?" The last word had to be forced out of my mouth because I was still pissed at Rindou for the seed of doubt he had tried to plant in my mind about Mitsuya's fidelity, but if him and I were going to work together, we owed each other a certain amount of respect. Well, apparently not according to Rindou because he held my eyes as he slowly brought his cigarette to his lips again and took another drag, ignoring my request.

So that's how it's going to be. Alright then.

I stepped up to him, close, so close I could smell not only the cigarette smoke on him but also his cologne and the fragrance of his bodywash. 

Staring into his eyes, I pinched his cigarette between my index finger and my thumb. I took the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it into the street, Rindou's gaze tracking his cigarette's trajectory until it had landed on the sidewalk. 

Slowly, his eyes coasted back to mine. His gaze turned amused and held mine as he slightly parted his lips and exhaled, the cigarette smoke falling across my own lips.

It was fucking amusing him. Of course it was. Any reaction he'd get from me would just entertain him a little more, wouldn't it?

Setting my jaw, I stepped away from Rindou and turned to the building.

"So..." I craned my neck to look up at the tall building, shielding my eyes from the sun with one hand. Then I looked back down to Sanzu, dropping my hand to my side again. "This is the building you're renovating?"

He nodded once for confirmation, slightly tipping his head to the side while he silently observed me. For some reason, he made me really nervous. I felt like he was studying my every move and reaction with an acute attention, or maybe his blue eyes were so piercing it just felt like it.

He strolled to the door, pushed it open, and then stepped to the side. "After you."

His gaze followed me as I walked past him. I entered the dark lobby of the building, Sanzu and Rindou following suit and closing the door behind them. They gave me a few seconds to take in what looked like the inside of an old manor or a hotel.

In the middle, there was a grand staircase that led to the higher floors. Sanzu got around me and led the way down the hallway on the left, Rindou and I falling in line behind him. 

I hadn't noticed there was broken glass on the floor until the sole of my shoe slipped on a piece of glass, making me stumble. 

"Careful there." Rindou caught my arm until I had found my balance again.

I nudged him away, flicking a narrowed gaze at him. "I can walk just fine." 

To prove my statement, I took another step forward, but my high heel slipped on another piece of broken glass, and I stumbled to the side again. I had to brace a palm against the wall to avoid falling.

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