Part 2 - Chapter 1

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"Feels good to be back..." Hina heaved a sigh of contentment while we waited with our fellow passengers in front of the baggage carousel of Narita international airport.

Her and I were back in Tokyo after having spent our summer in Rome.

I know, I know. Rome? Kind of a basic choice. But don't worry, Hina and I had promised ourselves we wouldn't become the kind of people whose only personality trait was that they had traveled abroad and that they knew how to pronounce "Bruschetta" correctly.

"Who are you most excited to see again?" Hina asked me.

A grin teased the corner of my mouth as memories flashed through my mind. Draken in class, Mitsuya in the restaurant, Baji in the bathroom, Rindou in my bedroom, Hanma in Valhalla's hideout,... 

Yeah. Last year had been... eventful to say the least. 

After finding out that Mikey was cheating on me, I created a sex bucket List and checked out each things on my list with his best friends and his enemies. I wasn't exactly proud of it, but I couldn't say regretted it either. I had gotten my revenge on Mikey while gaining experience.    Win-win.

I wanted this year to be different though. I was ready to find another boyfriend. Ready to get my heart broken again.

"Hmmm, I don't know..." I answered Hina's question and then nudged her with my shoulder. "But I know who you're excited to see."

She chuckled, but her face slightly darkened as her gaze dropped to the floor.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I thought you'd be happy to see Takemichi."

"I am but... I don't know. I feel like he's been acting weird lately."

"Weird how?"

"Sometimes he ignores my texts for days."

"I'm sure it's fine." I tried to reassure her.

Once we had collected our luggage, we walked out of the airport. Hina spotted Takemichi before I did. She ran up to her boyfriend and practically jumped on him, lacing her arms around his neck. But I wasn't watching them. No, my eyes were locked on the boy- or man now- who was leaning his back against his motorcycle a few feet away from the couple.


Without taking his gaze off mine, he pushed off his motorbike and spread his arms wide, his lips curving up. I dropped my luggage and jogged to my friend, my feet seemingly moving of their own volition. Mitsuya took me into his arms as I jumped, and I wrapped my legs around his waist while he wrapped his arms around me tightly. We both giggled like idiots, basking in the joy we felt after not having seen each other for two months.

"I missed you." He told me as he put back down. He kept one hand on my waist while he held me close to him by the back of my neck, pressing our foreheads together.

"I missed you too." I replied, my ragged breath falling across his lips.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat from next to us.

Mitsuya let go of me and we both turned to Hina and Takemichi who were watching us, their eyes gleaming with amusement. I felt my cheeks heat up and sneaked a glance at Mitsuya, finding him grinning, unbothered by the attention we'd attracted.


Takemichi and Mitsuya were speeding downtown, Hina and I settled behind them on their motorbikes with our luggage in the built-in storage of their engines. 

I couldn't tell what I had missed most: Tokyo and its buzzing life or my friends. In that moment, I enjoyed every second I spent resting my head against Mitsuya's back, my arms tightly wrapped around his torso. But when he took a unfamiliar road instead of turning into my street, I perked up.

"Aren't you driving me home?" I asked him over his shoulder.

"Someone wanted to see you first." He replied and I caught the corner of a smile on his lips.

A few minutes later, Takemichi and Mitsuya pulled up in front of a bike shop and we all got off the engines. Hina and I exchanged a questioning look as the two boys walked inside. Hesitantly, we followed in tow.

The smell of sweat invaded my nostrils first. The air was filled with the sound of metallic wrenches clinking together and an old song streaming from a small radio. There was a car parked in the center of the mechanics workshop. A man was working on it, lying on his back underneath the vehicle. Only his long legs and the beginning of his torso were visible.

Mitsuya tapped on the hood of the car twice to alert him of our presence. "Hey. They're here."

I watched as the man rolled his way out from under the car and my heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was.


Wiping the sooth from his hands with a cloth, his lips tipped up as he stood up to his full height in front of me -wait did he get even taller while I was gone? – and his eyes gazed down into mine.

"Hey. Welcome back."

" 'Hey. Wecome back'? That's it?" I repeated, and then chuckled, giving my head a small shake. "We haven't seen each other in two months, the least you could do is give me a hug, don't you think?"

"I'm dirty." He replied. 

Lifting the bottom of his T-shirt, he wiped the sweat off his face with it. My gaze dropped to his exposed abdomen. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sight of his defined abs. When he let his T-shirt fall back down over his torso, I swallowed hard as I looked up at him. "Does it look like I care if you're dirty?"

His smile widened, spilling into his dark eyes. "Come here." 

I took a step towards him and he sneaked both arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him. I let him hug me, the top of my head barely gracing chin. When we pulled apart, I prayed that the blush had disappeared from my cheeks.

"Tell me everything I missed while I was away."

Sex Bucket List • Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now