Chapter 9

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"No way! You're telling me he wrote this?"


Hina seemed as shocked as me by what Draken had added to my list.

She trapped her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought, then she asked me, "Well... are you interested?"

I  gave a light shrug. "I don't know."

Her eyes surveyed my face for a moment.

"If I'm honest with you, I feel like you're aren't over Mikey yet." She said.

"What makes you say that?"

She stopped browsing through the clothes in front of her and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Well for starters, you're still wearing his sweatshirt."

"It's just comfortable." I defended myself.

"And that's the only reason?" She questionned, slightly narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

No. "Yes." I lied.

"Okay, but you're also constantly checking your phone." She added.

"It's not my fault he keeps texting me." I found another excuse.

Hina let out a small sigh, nodding. "Yeah, I know, I know."

Mikey had sent me at least a dozen texts every day since our breakup. I read all of them but never answered.

"Speaking of the devil." I whispered as another ping resonated, indicating I had just gotten a new text.

From Mikey to me- We're going to have to talk to each other sooner or later

From Mikey to me- Just give me five minutes so I can explain myself

From Mikey to me- please

Hina's gaze darted to something behing me, and she muttered, "What the hell? How did he even know we were here?" 

Following her line of sight, I turned around and saw Mikey in the street outside of the clothing store Hina and I were busy shopping at. He was leaning his back against a brickwall, visibly waiting for someone.

I hated myself for the way my stomach fluttered when I saw his face.

"Maybe I should just go talk to him."

Hina's eyebrows furrowed. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Just so that he stops harassing me, you know." Yeah, sure, that's the only reason.

"Alright. I'll wait for you."

I handed her the top I had been holding in my hands and walked out of the store. I headed towards Mikey but stopped in my tracks when I saw that another girl was approaching him. My heart missed a beat when I recognized her.

She was the one I had caught Mikey cheating on me with.

I watched, unable to move a single muscle as she grabbed my ex-boyfriend's arm and they started walking together.

Everytime I'm convinced I coudn't feel more heartbroken than I already do, you prove me wrong Mikey.

When I walked into class the next day, my mind was made up. 

I sat down at my desk and waited for Draken to arrive. When we locked eyes as he sat down at his desk next to me, his lips curved up. 

I wrote something on a piece of paper and threw it to him when the teacher wasn't looking. He didn't waste a second before writing something on the same piece of paper and throwing it back to me. 

--See me after class?

--I thougth you'd never ask

All day, the tension between me and Draken had been building up. Whether it was with the way we stole glances at each other in the cafeteria or the way his eyes were constantly running up and down my bare legs when he was supposed to be watching our teacher. 

But I had an idea of how to turn him on even more.

Before last period, I went into the school bathroom to remove my bra. I crossed my arms over my chest as I walked back into class and sat back down at my desk.

When the teacher started speaking again, I fake coughed to catch Draken's attention. His eyes widened as they dropped to the two hard nipples my bra wasn't protecting anymore.

He kept his eyes on mine as he adjusted his pants and I knew my little move had had the intended effect.

Let me tell you, I don't think time had ever passed as slowly as it did that last hour of class.

As soon as everyone had left the room, Draken closed the door and turned to me. 

But when I saw the fire I was reponsible for dance in his eyes, I suddenly wondered if I would ever be able to put it out.

Guess we'll find out.

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