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It could be a sweet dream or beautiful nightmare
either way I don't wanna wake up from it
Sweet dream or beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me your loves to good to be true

"Look at how you blushing girl" Kristen tells me.

Kristen Stewart, me and her work in the same company. She's the receptionist while I'm the manager. Our friendship started since I got the job. She has always been nothing but good to me. I have become so close to her that I've been telling her about my teeny crush on Vally.

I wish I could tell Natalie but she won't approve of it. Her friendship with Lorraine means alot to her and she wouldn't want to break it up cause of my feelings. "I know right" I admit still blushing while drinking my smoothie.

"So do you think he likes you?" She asks me. I stop drinking my smoothie and look at her. I never really thought about how he might be feeling. It was more of me then him. What If he doesn't like me at all?. What If he rejects me. I feel like a obsessed high school girl with a crush on the schools hottest guy.

How could this possibly happen. "Maybe not" I say and feel sad. I can't believe I'm falling for a guy and have no idea how he feels. "Don't be upset okay. Listen you don't know how he feels right?" She asks me. I nod in agreement. I wish I knew but it would only hurt cause what if he doesn't like me. So I think I'm safe now that I don't know.

"Well don't make it obvious" there goes my Cupid friend shooting her arrow right in my heart. "Don't show your feelings too much. Act Sassy but not too bitchy" she finishes off with a proud look on her face. I look at her unsure about what she just said. How the hell do those two differ.

Sighing and sitting back in my seat I cross my arms. This is going to be a challenge. A big challenge. The worst challenge. "But what if I act sissy whatever it is and he losses interest then what?" I have to prepare for the worst also right.

"Trust me girl, every guy loves the 'sassy' side of a girl" she says making sure to say the sassy word loud enough for me to understand. I don't really trust her advice but she has helped me out before. She is a expert when it comes to relationships. Whenever Kevin and I have problems she's always the first to help me with advice. Her advice is legit so why stop now.

And she's actually right though. I must not throw myself at him. He must make the first move. I would never throw myself at a guy. That all results in them giving you a bad name and thrashing your reputation. Although the generation has changed where girls are making the first move I will never do that. I prefer the old way where the guys come to you and not the other way round. As much as I want to be with him I would rather wait for him to come and ask me out thank you.


Later that night I go and lay on my bed. Thoughts of how to act sassy swirl my mind and before I know it I fall asleep and my dreams are clouded by a curly dark haired guy.


"Breakfast is so delicious today Nat" I compliment her. Out of all the times today she really outdid herself. "Thanks baby. Alex here is tired of eating takeaways" she leans on his shoulder and he kisses her head.

They love is so beautiful. No matter how old they are they still go on like teenagers that are madly in love. They are like so in love with each other that they make me jealous at times. I wish I had seen Alex first maybe then he would have been mine and all that was going to be with me. I would literally get bored of Natalie and her noise.

I remember the day she came home and told us she's engaged. I was so happy now that she's going to leave me alone in peace. I even wanted to throw a party of her leaving me. Now everything was going to be for me but the abuse was getting worse so I had to leave and gate crash in they family home. That proved to me that I will always be around her no matter what. The only way out is marriage.

But I'm glad that he found Natalie cause as long as she's happy then I'm happier.

I hope one day soon enough I'll find my own Alex. "I better get going" Alex stands up while finishing his coffee.

"Have a great day" Natalie kisses his cheek. Me and Reece look at each other and make a disgusting face. "I love you" she shouts out to him as he walks out. "Are you working today?" She asks me. "Nope, you?" I ask her. She stands up and helps take out the dishes. "Nope but I'm taking Reece to the park. Do you wanna come?" She asks me. That would be wonderful but I'm in no mood for people. I just want to be alone and decide on what is it that I want in my life.

"Nope. I'm good. You guys enjoy" I tell her as she goes upstairs to change into something comfy.

After finishing my breakfast I start washing the dishes. While washing I remember how Vallys arms moved when he was fixing the pipe. I remember how he would tell me nasty things. I remember how he was looking at me. It's just so much memories I start smiling to myself. Vally is taking me back to being a teenager.

The door bell rings and little Reece runs to go get it. I honestly don't know what's wrong with this child. He believes that opening the door to him makes him man of the house. "Aunty Brittney, there's this tall guy looking for you outside" Reece says in a loud voice while jumping up and down. His so adorable.

I wonder whose it though. I hope it's not Kevin cause I'm in my casual home clothes and I don't like him seeing me in those. The real truth is I just don't want to see him today. I dry my hands and go and find out whose my guest.

H/N : who could it be?🤔
Sassy- confident, spirited and cheeky

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Song: Sweet dreams
Artist: Beyonce

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