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"Hey Brittney, are you okay?" Kristen comes in my office and asks me.

"I was calling you but you never responded and that's why I'm worried" she says taking a seat. Jeven then also comes in and sits next to her. I heard her call me but my mind has a lot of things going on in it.

"I never heard.. You" I lie.
"It's okay. We all make mistakes anyways are you coming for the party tonight" she asks me and I give her questioning look.

"Lucy's birthday party" Jeven answers the question I was about to ask.

"Oh yeah that. I doubt I'll make it. I got a lot of house work to do tonight and that includes shopping" I tell them. Partying would be a great idea but I don't want to be around people. The crowds make me feel nausea at times.

"Just wish her a happy birthday from me...Uhm and there is also something I need to tell you'll" I say and they both sit up with curiosity all over they faces.

I have been hiding the truth about my real mother and brother from them and now I think it's time they came to know the truth. "Okay what Is it?" Kristen asks.

I start telling them every thing from the day I got to know the truth until today. "No way. You a big sister and Natalie is not your real sister... My word" Kristen overreact.

"So that day at the restaurant you were asking about yourself?" Jeven asks and I nod my head. He turns around in embarrassment since that day he laughed.

"I'm sorry for my answer I hope it did help a little" he says shrugging his shoulder. Kristen looks between me and Jeven.

"You chose to trust him instead of me. Ugh come on...." She says shaking her head in disappointment.

"If I were to ask you you would have known what was going on and I was not ready to tell anyone"  I tell Kristen. She starts blushing and looking at Jeven with a proud look.

"I would love to see Damien..He must be a cute little boy" Kristen says making a cute face. I take out my phone and show them a picture of both Damien and My mother.

"You guys look alike and your mother's beautiful" Kristen says all happily. I do have some of my mother's features but that could only be my hair.

"I want to see Damien..." Jeven says.
"I'll bring him over one day" I say and he agrees. After that we have lunch and it's time for me to go pick Damien up from school.

"Okay see you'll tomorrow" I wave goodbye. I put everything in my car and drive off to the school.

"Hey Brittney" Damien comes in looking a little upset.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.
"Nothing. Just had a bad day" he says buckling up. I just smile at him and drive off to the pizza place. Maybe that will cheer him up.

We place an order of which we get served minutes later. "Go put your backpack , change and come eat" I tell him when we arrive home. He goes to his room and I go to mines.

Vally isn't home. I check his cupboard and find his things. Oh thank goodness. At least he never left for good. I know that it feels like we broke up but honestly it's just a break from everything.

My heart doesn't approve of the idea of letting him go. I change into pyjamas and go out to the kitchen. "You must be hungry?" I ask Damien whose eating already.

"I am. I also wanted some pizza" he says taking another piece. For a child he does eat alot. I would only eat one and a half of pizza.

"Then I'm glad I bought some, Mr Artist" I say sitting next to him and start to eat my pizza. We talk about what he is going to do for the competition and I must say he has got lots of ideas. Good ones at that.

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