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"Reece begged me to make sure you come" she tells me as we pass through the seated audience waiting for the concert to start.

"Hey Mr Carter" I greet old Mr Carter that's seated at the starting of the row and also the man next to him whom I'm sure is the sperm donor. I take in my laugh by the remembrance of how Vally said that.

"Hi, Lorraine" I greet her and take the empty seat next to her. I'm now in between Vallys family and my family. Soon in future it will be just one  real family. That's if Vally will propose. The concert starts and everyone goes quiet as the kids perform they Cinderella play.

Reece acts as the Prince charm and Sasha acts as Cinderella. What a true romantic love story. "Sorry, I'm late" Vally whispers between me and Lorraine. His voice on my shoulder makes me uncomfortable that I move in my seat. I turn around and see him sitting in between two aunties.

His eyes are glued to his niece that is saying her part. There is light in his eyes that always glows when he sees her. "Isn't my Prince so adorable?" Natalie says holding my hand and squeezing it while watching Reece. Why do I have a feeling she bribed the teachers for him to get this position. I know Natalie is capable of that.

"That's my baby" Natalie shouts out loud when the show is over which ends happily ever after. We all stand up and clap hands for the little kids. That was one beautiful show. These kids really has talent in acting.

"That was wonderful" I tell Natalie who is boasting about her son with Alex.

"Of course, that's our son" she says all happily. She's such a proud mother.

"We need to talk to the Teacher" Alex says and they both say they goodbyes before leaving. I look over to my left to find Vally and his family having a discussion which I'm pretty sure is about Sasha.

I take my little bag and out I go down the hallway straight outside. "Hey, Brittney. Where you off to so quickly" Tobias comes again before I can even open my car door. I'm starting to believe that he has a crush on me since his every where I go.

"Hey, we meet again" I say as kindly as I can.
"That was a beautiful show right?" He says and I just nod in agreement. His like a rash that itches every time.

"For kids they are very wonderful" he says again.
"You also a parent Orr?" He asks and I laugh at his question. I can imagine being a mother. It's wonderful but just not yet perfect for me. One day soon I'll be a mother.

"Nope, I'm not yet a mother. I'm here for my nephew Reece Carter the Prince charm" I say and we both laugh. My nephew is a very handsome young man and did deserve to play as the Prince.

"Oh okay. Wonderful. I thought you also had a secret kid you hiding" he says and I just look at him. I wonder why he'd even think like that. If I were to get a kid I'd sure let everyone know or even just Kristen cause she'll broadcast it.

"It's very dangerous these days. Like my wives death. She had to die just cause she was in danger.. this world is just unsafe for woman" he says and I look at him. If I remember correctly he had said that he got rid of her.

There is something that's odd about this guy and it scares me. "I know what I said earlier. I had gotten rid of her by divorcing her and then two months later she died" he says with his one hand in the pocket.

"If I were you I'd look after myself cause we never know what we could face with in the future.. this world is just so bad and toxic that it forces us to do all kinds of dangerous things" he says looking at me. Why is he warning me about the future unless his trying to tell me something.

"I'll be more careful Tobias. Thank you" I say politely.

"Please do or else I can be your bodyguard. I wouldn't mind" he says raising his eyebrow at me expecting an answer. I would rather get lost then let him protect me.

"I'll let you know. I gotta go now. Goodbye take care" I say jumping in my car. I hope that never came out as rude as it was. I just needed to get away before he starts telling me how many people he had killed in the military camp.

I start the car and through the mirror I can see him still standing and looking at me. I increase the speed and then drive off. I park my car in the garage and come out. Going upstairs I open the door and enter. I wonder why Vally hasn't returned.

I change into one of Vallys shirt and my pyjamas. Coming out of the room there is a knock on the door. "Hi" I say to the woman who has Vabri in her hands. She's dressed in her gown with her cleavage showing.

"Hi, I'm looking for the guy that stays here" She says peaking through and Vabri jumps out of her arms into mines.

"Oh, his not here as you can see is there anything you need?" I ask her. She looks at me and on seeing me in his shirt a frown forms on her face.

"Nothing. Just tell him that Melissa bought back his kitten and that he owes me" she says smiling before leaving. I just thank her and close the door the moment she turns around. I put some food for Vabri which he eats and some water and milk.

"Baby, I'm about to look for your grandmother. Do you want to see her" I tell Vabri whose drinking his milk. I take out my mother's photo and show Vabri.

"This is the woman that gave birth to me and she's your grandmother.... nchoo I also can't wait to see her" I say patting his fur.

"We all can't wait to see her" Vally whose standing against the door frame says shocking me. I put my hand over my heart and take breaths. He then comes and sits next to me.

"Did I scare you?" He asks while putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yes you actually did..." I say following him to the kitchen. I start cooking while he sits and is busy on his laptop.

"Vally I was wondering if you could take me there tomorrow" I say dishing up and putting the food on the table. His eyes move from the screen straight to me.

"I have plans cake" he says.
"Oh, so I see where I stand" I say putting my plate and sitting down dishing for myself. Vabri finish have his supper and is asleep on the couch. Dinner goes silent and it's finally over. I take out the dishes and put them in the dishwasher since I have no energy to wash them.

"Cake, are you upset?" Vally asks laying in bed and watching me change into my pyjamas. I take off my makeup and join him in bed just with my back facing him.

"Goodnight" I say and close my eyes. I feel his fingers play with my hair and then his soft lips on my neck. I pull the sheets over my head so that he can stop his torturing operation.


Waking up early in the morning I go and take a warm shower. I feel really sleepy even though I just woke up which isn't normal. The warm water touches my bare skin and I wash my body. After cleaning up I wrap a towel and go brush my teeth.

"Morning cake" Vally comes in to relief himself.
I stop brushing and look at him undress. I close my eyes and hear him laugh. "It's not like something you haven't tasted or seen before" he says and I just finish up before leaving him alone.

"Cake, are you ignoring me?" He asks following me to the bedroom. I sit on the bed and take the lotion which I apply on my legs.

"Cake say something please. Did I ever tell you that you look much yummier in your Brown towel" he says playing with the end of my towel and I hit his hand.

"I'm not upset. I just realised what role I play in peoples lives" I say angrily and he smirks.

"And in my life what role is that?" He asks.
"The one you call when you want to fuck. Just like now you horny and need me to satisfy you" I say standing up and putting on my panties and bra.

Putting on my bra I feel his cold hands on my bare back and my eyes go wide. "I'm glad you know what you good in.... and I wanted to tell you something but since you acting all childish I'll save it for later" he says clipping my bra for me and putting his hands on my hips.

He plants a kiss on my neck and walks out leaving me somewhere I never thought I'd be.

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