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"How you feeling today?" She asks me. I am feeling much better now that she called me over.

"Much better yourself" I ask her. I don't really care about myself but her. Sadness and depression doesn't suit her at all. She drinks some pills which I'm sure are for her blood pressure.

"I'm going to be fine" she says shrugging her shoulders. If she's going to be fine then she is not completely fine and that does not sit well with me.

"Natalie you shouldn't worry too much about it.. Everything will become better, I promise" I tell her. I have no idea what is it that I'm actually referring to but I'm positive about everything turning out fine.

"So have you decided what you want to do now" she asks me and I look down playing with my fingers. I just want to forget everything and pretend as if nothing happened. Maybe that's the only way I can move on. The truth is out and that's all that matters to me now.

"I don't know" I say. I have accepted that my life has been a lie so far and that I am a mistake. That was already enough to take in. I don't need anymore stress and troubles coming my way. I just want to be happy with those around me and build my future with Vally.

"You still are stubborn" she says and starts laughing. I hope the laughter will bring back the old fun, crazy, loud, wild and inquisitive Natalie. I know that's not all her but I've mentioned the ones I miss most about her.

"A piece of advice. I know i haven't been in your situation but one thing I know is that you should go look for your mother. You'll need a friend and partner one day and I won't fill that spot, nobody ever will expect your mother" she says and I look at her. She is right. My mother is my only true friend in this world. She is the only one that will ever love me.

"Don't you think she won't want me?" I ask her. She never wanted me when I was small so why would she want me now that I'm big. Or what's even worse what if she never recovered and is still crazy. "Your mother loved you. The only reason for her not being with you all these years is her me she'll be grateful if you look for her" Natalie says.

I don't understand what's going on here. My sister has turned into some wise woman. Some situations does expose real people. "Okay, then. I'll give it a try..I'll search for her and build a relationship with her" I say with a smile on my face. I can already imagine being in her arms and getting a motherly hug. Something I never got in my childhood.

"So this is her" Natalie says taking the picture out of the envelope. I haven't seen her picture and have no idea what she must be looking like. I stand up and go see the picture in Natalie's hands. She is just as beautiful as I had imagined. Her hair is so dark just as father described. This is where I had gotten my dark hair from.

"She's as beautiful as you" Natalie says and I blush. She really is very beautiful. We talk about what we going to do in the future if I have to find my mother. I have both lunch and supper here since little Reece insisted. He doesn't want me to go. Apparently Alex has bought him a dog which has been keeping him busy but he just can't seem to get enough of me.

"Okay, I better get going" I say and little Reece frowns. I would love to take him home for a sleep over but tomorrow is Monday and his got school.

"I'll come again some time" I go on my knees to reach his height and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Will you come for my concert on Tuesday" he asks me. I forgot about his concert. I was going to be in big trouble if he never reminded me.

"Of course I'll be there. I promise" I say and he blushes. He then hugs me and runs to his room as it's his bedtime. Standing up I meet with Natalie. She looks much better then the time I came here.

"Thank you for everything sister" I say and she just smiles. We hug each other and I put my arms tighter just like her. "Okay, you hurting me" she says and I just laugh at her.

"I'm glad you smiled" I tell her.
"It's your goofy face that makes me smile" she says and I hit her arm playfully. Now the old Natalie is back.

"Good night, drive safely" Alex says and hugs me. Why does this all feel right. I want to sleep over but then Vally wouldn't want me to.

"It was good to see you. My baby, finally smiled after a long time" he says kissing his blushing wife on her head.

"Geez, get a bedroom" I say and we all start laughing. I wave goodbye and out I go. I slide in the car to find a pissed off Vally. I hope his mood won't spoil mines cause I had a good day today.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as he drives. He hasn't said a word ever since I came in and that's new. He always has to ask how my day went and what had happened but now his all sulky.

"You sleeping on the couch" I say and he turns to look at me with a angry face. Now I see why Victor just wanted to shirk in the beach sand cause he does look scary.

"Okay, I'm joking..I just don't want your sulky mood to rub on me" I say and jump out since we already parked the car. Entering the house I find  vabri already asleep on the couch. Everything is in its place which I'm grateful for. I thought Vally would sell or mess it up but I found it as I had left it.

"What pissed you off so late at night?" I ask him as I change into my pyjamas and fix the bed. He sits on his side of the bed and takes off his boots while cursing. I jump on the bed and go massage his shoulders.

"Come on now, what's up?" I whisper in his ear. He closes his eyes and groans. I then move my hands to his chest all in the name of temptation.

"Nothing important..Cake that feels Fucking good" he says tilting his head sideways with his eyes closed. He groans out loud and I see the veins all popped out on his arms and his knuckles are red. "Vally, were you in a fight huh?" I ask him.

"Yeah, that bastard thought he could steal from me so I beat the shit out of him" he says and I just shake my head in disappointment. I hope it was all worth it.

"Vabri was playing outside until this bastard comes out from nowhere and tries to take him away" he says and my eyes go wide in shock. He protected Vabri from being stolen. I wish I was there to see him protect a little kitten. Our little kitten.

I kiss him on the cheek as an appreciation. "You can thank me later with a nice show" he says and I laugh. I'm actually glad his building a relationship with the cat.

"Vally, I decided to go look for my mother" I say and his one eye opens. He turns to face me and I sit down. He has a smile on his face which is now making me smile. I take the pillow and hit him on the arm.

"Cake, I had enough of beating today" he says coming closer until he hovers over me. My breathing increases and my thoughts shoot every angle when his finger touches my belly button.

"Very brilliant idea. Natalie did good knocking some sense into you" he says hitting my head a little and I just giggle. What is he trying to do to me.

"When do we start the search?" He asks.
"I,,,,,,,," I say but get cut off when he kisses me. And I know this is going to be a long night.

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