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But that's not the only reason I'm hurt
I know that I should've been way more alert
I cared for your more then anything and you hurt me more then anything and that was a heavy thing

"Mabelle, listen I'll take you home" Kevin begs me. I don't want to see him let alone be in the same car or place with him.

"Like hell she will" Vally says with a smile on his face. Kevin walks towards him But stops when I stand in front of him. Like a barrier I'm blocking him from Vally and him from Kevin.

Mike in the background makes a "oooh" sound. He must be enjoying this I see. "Brittney, don't do this please" he pleads with me. I can feel the tears coming but now Is not the time to cry. I need to be strong. Even if it means siding up with my crush and betraying my lover. I need to be strong.

I cross my arms and stay there without moving. "I love you Brittney, please come with me" he begs. I can see the tears his fighting back. He holds my hands but I yank it away from him.

I can't have him sweet talk me or trap me. He needs to know that what he did was wrong. He needs to learn how to control his anger cause he will hurt me more then he did now.

"Goodnight Kevin, but I'm fine" I say and walk over to Vallys car in which I jump in.

I make sure to not look outside and at the corner of my eyes I can see that Kevin Is cursing out loudly and then him and his sidekicks jump into they black SUV and drive off. Mike's uncle comes minutes later when the show is already over and my car gets towed.

The moment it disappears they both jump in the car. I notice his knuckles are red when he puts his hand on the gear. All that was for me. He chose to put himself in danger for me.

"Baby, you did well today Damm" Mike tells Vally and touches him on the shoulder in a comforting seducing way.

"That guy is nothing compared to what I've fought, love" He says and winks at Mike who pouts like a girl who has been told she is beautiful. A smile creeps on my face by the way they going on. "We making love tonight. Your fists turned me on" Mike says in a woman's voice.

"Sounds like fun" Vally answers and we all burst into laughter.

"Glad to see you smile" Mike turns and looks at me. I just nod as I'm kind of exhausted after everything that happened.

Vally stops the car right outside the gate as always. I really feel bad that he got all those fists and his knuckles are so bad. "Your knuckles.. hurt?" I ask him.

"It's nothing" he replies looking out of the window. "Come in. I'll put something to stop the redness" I offer hoping he will agree without a fight. Please agree, I say to myself. I really pray he does.

"Dude just go man. Stop being Hercules for a moment and let her treat you" Mike tells Vally who is looking annoyed.

I could kiss Mike now for taking my side. After what felt like forever he steps out with me and we both enter the house.

I lead him to my room quietly enough making sure to not make a noise by the steps or the doors. He makes himself comfortable while I go to my bathroom to fetch the aid kit and herbs.

Coming back I find him seated on my bed comfortably looking at the picture on my nightstand. "I was 14 years old then, and my father suffered from cancer. He died two days before my fifteenth birthday" I tell him and walk over to the bed.

Remembering I get all emotional and Vally wipes the tear before it falls down. "I'm sorry" he apologise.

"It's okay. Now let me" I take his hand and put what I mixed on his knuckles. It's a mixture that my mother always made for me whenever I got hurt.

I remember the first time I fell of my bike and got a scar on my knee , she did mix for me her little secret and I got better within minutes. What she never knew was I watched her as she did everything and it became our secret.

He hiss in pain but doesn't show it. Once I'm done with both of his hands I escort him back out quietly.

At the door we stand looking at each other. "Thanks" I say and mean it. No one has ever done for me something so precious. I know that the fight really was because of the fued between them but I feel really honoured.

"Sure" he says then walks to his car before driving off. Back in my room I throw myself on my bed and sleep takes over immediately.


"Heyy girl. I'm off to work. Can I borrow your flat shoes?" Natalie says more like screams. She's such a loud bird. "Oh yeah, and Vally is here for you" she says again. My eyes shoot open and I turn around. Vally is here for me. I check my watch and it's only. 8:30 am so freaking early. "Should I let him in?" She asks putting on my mascara.

"Yea" I sit up with my back against the headboard. "Is that for the shoes?" She asks me after putting on my makeup and looks good enough.

"Yes. Both" I tell her and scratch my head. After putting on my shoes she kisses me and off she goes. Still in bed I take my phone which I put on. There are 5 voice messages and 20 missed calls all from Kevin. I don't need his drama right now so I put off my phone and leave it in the drawer.

I see the picture of my father and I all happily and remember the good old days. I haven't been thinking about him for a while cause I know what will happen. I had tried to forget every thing but after yesterday everything just came back.

"Hey, can I come in" Vally asks while knocking softly and I just nod. I don't see why his knocking cause the door is already open. He is wearing a red shirt and with trackpants and his hair is all messy as usual.

"Hi" I reply in a soft voice.
"Thought I should come see you after yesterday" he says making me smile a little.

"You replying weakly early in the morning and look so not okay. That means you depressed right." His voice is soft in my ears, my eyes meet his and my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.

"Hey what's wrong?" He walks to my side of the bed and sits near me face to face. "Okay, let it all out" he takes me in his arms and rubs my back while saying hush. "I'm sorry.. It's just after yesterday I have been thinking about the past" I tell him while looking in his eyes.

"You wanna talk?" He asks me.

"Lemme shower first" I get out of bed and head for the shower.

H/ N : who knew Vally cared? 😁

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Song: Risky
Artist: Elaine

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