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"Brittney, are you okay?" Kristen asks snapping me back to reality. I have been standing by her desk for the past minutes.I did not want to come to work but I thought it would help distract my thoughts.

"Yes, just have a lot going on now but I'll be fine" I say smiling and holding back the tears. I really thought it was going to work but it's not even trying to. I can see the uncertainty on her face but it's not yet time for them to know what's going on.

"I have a headache so I'm leaving early" I tell Kristen whose at her reception table. She drops the phone call and comes running to me. I decided not to force myself to work knowing exactly I can't in this state of mind.

"You sure you okay baby girl?" She asks putting her palm over my forehead to check my temperature.

"Your temperature seems fine to me" she says giving me a worried look. I turn away as I see the tears that are about to come flooding out. They can't know Brittney, they must never know or else I'll be a laughing stock.

"It's just a headache nothing serious..." I say smiling at her just so she can believe me and make space for me. Jeven comes to join us and Kristen explains every thing to him. He doesn't ask much questions and let's me go pass.

"I just can't anyone" I say hitting the steering wheel over and over while crying. This is the end of me honestly. My phone rings and it's Natalie. How do I even face her knowing the truth. How do I tell her the truth. How do I even explain to her that I'm her half sister.

I reject the call and put off my phone before driving to nowhere.

Vallys pov.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know" I tell Kristen before cutting the call. Fuck it man. Brittney left work long ago but hasn't returned. I am so worried because I know she is not in the right state of mind. Whatever she is going to do is going to be very bad.

I just pray she is safe and sound cause I'll loose it totally. I remember the day I found her laying helplessly on the floor. My whole world stopped. I thought she was dead or had been attacked. I swear if anything or anyone not even a Fucking fly must go near her cause I'll give it the worst death.

"Maybe she's at her sister's" Mike says and I just look at him. He came to visit me and have some man's time but it all turned out to us being a search party. I doubt she'd go there cause she can't face her right now. She can't face anybody right now.

"Well they had a little argument and haven't been seeing each other" I lie. I know Brittney wouldn't want me to tell him the truth. It isn't my place and is not the right time for the truth to come out.

"Oh okay, I better get going cause Roselle will loose it also. I hope you find her" he says standing up. He gives me a handshake before leaving. I don't know where to start looking for her cause she has no family member here except Natalie and that's one place she won't go.

I feel useless for the fact that I don't know where she is. Vabri comes snooping around by my legs and I feel like kicking him cause his annoying but that will upset her. "Brittney, where the fuck are you. Come home before I Fucking loose it and hurt you" I say after her phone takes me to her mailbox.

"Fuck fuck.fuck" I say putting my hands in my hair. I can feel my anger taking over me. She left me the same way my own Fucking mother left me. "No, control yourself. Control yourself" I say closing my eyes which I'm sure are red. I open them and drink some water to calm down.

After sitting on the couch waiting for the past hours I fall asleep.

Brittney's pov

I have been sitting in the forest for the past hours thinking about everything. I just couldn't go home and pretend to act normal. Also I needed some peace of mind to process everything.

Maybe I should just tell Natalie cause she'll be mad if I hide it for too long. At least that's one thing I can agree on. Now I don't know whether I should carry on with my life or look for my mother.

I think it will be best if I just let her go the same way she had let me go. I think it's only fair if I carry on with my life. Standing up I walk slowly back to my car. I see a group of three guys coming my direction but it doesn't budge me or bring me any fear.

"Hey, sexy. What you doing out here alone?" The tall one asks. I just look at him and go pass until the one grabs my wrist.

"I think she needs some company" the one holding my wrist comes and puts his hand over my face making me look at him in disgust. He better not touch me elsewhere cause I'll kick him and he'll never have kids.

"Come on baby. Let's have some fun then" he says pulling me closer but I yank my hand out of his grip.

"You better fuck off before I make you. Jobless idiots" I say clicking my tongue and walking to my car. I hear them curse at me but I don't dare turn around. My wrist hurts that it turns red in colour. Bloody horny idiot hurt me.

Finally reaching back home safely I park the car and run home. Slowly opening the door so that I do not wake Vally up I enter. I take of my heels and tip toe to the lounge. "Where the fuck where you?" Vally says angrily in a deep voice since he just woke up.

Don't tell me he stayed up waiting for me to come back home. I just roll my eyes and walk pass him but he grabs the same wrist that got a mark and I whine in pain. "Brittney, what happened here?" He says pulling my sleeve up revealing a red mark around my wrist.

"Nothing okay, it just happened" I lie and he looks at me in disgust. He better not assume I'm cheating cause I have had enough for the day.

"Brittney, why won't you Fucking realise how  you hurting others that love you and yourself" he yells at me and I just sigh while rolling my eyes. I'm in no mood to argue with him. All I want is to lay in bed and sleep but I know exactly that I won't close my eyes.

"How am I? Huh?... I don't Fucking care anymore. I don't know who I am anymore so just let me be" I shout back at him. He turns around and puts his hands in his hair pulling it a little.

"Why you doing this Brittney? Why?" He asks me still facing the window with his hands on his hips.

"Because I'm a mistake so it's my passion and talent to make mistakes" I say laughing at myself while pulling my hair. I laugh harder that tears start flooding out of my eyes and I fall to my knees crying.

"Look at you... Your Fucking losing it" he says still standing and watching me cry my lungs out.

"Why are you being selfish to others and yourself?" He asks and I sit there still crying and  ignoring him. I think it's better to throw selfishness everywhere because that's what life has been throwing at me. All my love and effort to be a good and loving kind person all goes down the drain.

Who would have thought that my life would take such a turn. Just when I had closed the chapter of tears and all the bad I get hit by the worst. "Cake, please stop. I can't take it anymore.. seeing you in this position kills me.. Please stop" he says coming on his knees and pulling me into his arms.

"Please put an end to this. I love you" he whispers in my  ear.

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