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Dear Brittney

My darling angel, if you are reading this then you have turned 22 years of age which is my wish come true. I am so proud of you even though I might not be with you.  Our moments were cut short but you must always remember that I love you and will always love you.

You must be wondering why I took my time to right you a letter when you know the truth but my darling angel, you don't know the full truth and I think it's about time you do. Before I get into explaining I just want to let you know that everything I did was out of pure love.

Everything was going well in my life. I had a perfect job, amazing wife and beautiful two year old daughter Natalie. This was everything a man wanted in his life. My boss had promoted me and I used to go for his meetings and that's where everything started. Regina fleckwood, a beautiful woman with dark black hair like the midnight sky. We had met at a meeting and our business joined forces. We started spending so much time together that it resulted in it being more then just business partners. We started seeing each other secretly for months and I realised that I loved her so much. One day she had called me and let me know she is pregnant. I didn't know what to do cause now that was out of the plan. So I married her secretly also and bought her home to Natalie and Gabriela. I thought it was best because then there would be no turning back but moving forward. But what I did not expect happened. It was havoc. The was fights, arguments and war until you my darling angel were born. I am grateful for you and will always be.

Everything was fine for a few weeks until your mother started hallucinating and fainting. She was incapable of looking after you because of her condition. I had to put her in a mental institution just so that she can recover and come back but she only got worse. She got worse to a point where she even rejected you and almost hurt you. I then stopped visiting her cause I had to put all of  My attention to you and Natalie, the loves of my life.  It's from then and I haven't heard or seen her.

I know you must be disappointed in my actions and I'm sorry. I didn't know my life would turn out like that. I'm sorry for not telling you the truth sooner and for making you live a lie. I just couldn't take it anymore and knowing I was going to die I just had to let you know the truth.

I have left her file from the institute and also her picture so that you can get to know the real truth and also get to know your real mother. Please forgive me after reading this and take it as my gift to you. Find your mother you'll find the truth and complete our family once again my darling angel. 

Your father
Kyle Bryson

Iloveyou, my darling angel.

I finish read the letter and shock takes over me and I drop it to the floor. My mind has got a lot going on that I can't really think. My whole body has stopped working. All these years, all 22 years of my life were nothing but a lie.

Tears roll down my eyes and I start feeling hot and my breathing gets heavier until I see black and I'm knocked out. "Brittney, Brittney, cake. Baby,Fucking wake up... don't do this to me please" I hear someone shout and feel myself being shoved awake.

Slowly opening my eyes I find a worried Vally with sparkling eyes. His fighting back his tears that are about to roll down any minute, so I get up. "You Fucking scared the shit out of me cake" he says pulling me in a hug which lasts longer then I had expected. Vabri comes between getting a curse from Vally.

"Don't ever do that again. I'll Fucking loose my mind if you do that again...I thought I lost you and I just couldn't help it" he says wiping the tears of his eyes. I haven't seen him so worried about me and that makes me want to cry.

"What happened? Should I take you to the hospital?. Do you need a doctor?. Is it your stomach or you hungry?. I can cook tonight you can rest..Fucking tell me what's the problem?" He says inspecting me to make sure I'm fine.

After his inspection and he finds nothing wrong I see how his face calms down and softens up. My eyes go to the letter and everything comes crashing back like the waves in a ocean. He follows my eyes that are already teary and picks it up. He doesn't fully read it but picks up on the main point.

"No Fucking way" he says tossing it to the floor and standing up with his hands in his hair with a face full of disbelief. I know exactly what is going on in his mind. I guess it's not just his family that's a wreck cause mines is nothing but a messed up situation.

"You don't believe this do you?" He asks looking at me. I wish it was all a lie. I wish this was a mistake and was not meant for me. Actually I don't even wish it was for anyone. I wish it was just some fairytale that he wrote for fun. But no, it's all real. Everything there is real.

"That's my dad's handwriting...." I say through sobs. I trusted and known my father all these years to be a respectful, honest, trustworthy, loyal, loving father. Only to find out that he was everything I knew he was and carried with him the most disgusting actions.

I grew up not knowing myself. I grew up trying to fit in the family knowing exactly I will never fit in because of who I truly am. Miss Gabriela had her reasons to be treating me differently cause she knew that I will never be one of them. I start crying louder and Vally comes and hugs me.

"Shh, it's going to be fine, cake. Everything happens for a reason" he says while rubbing my back as I cry in his arms. There is no reason in what had happened.

"No, nothing is ever going to be okay. I was a mistake and will always remain a mistake that's why I never knew what love is" I say angrily. I should have just died in her womb and avoided this. I shouldn't have been born cause I'm sick and tired of every thing around me.

"Cake, your father had his reasons and you were never a mistake. You are my lover okay.. what would I be without you" he says in a calm and caring tone I've never heard before.

"You should just go also before I make mistakes with you..I'm Just a burden Vally. Everyone's burden that's why you should go far away and leave me and my bad luck alone to die" I say and I break out of his arms pacing around the lounge.

He gets up and holds my chin putting my lips together very tight that it pains.

"You must never ever fucken mention the word die in my presence cause I'll fuck you up in this emotional position of yours and make sure I'm going rough...Brittney you are not a burden and if you think you are then you are my and my only burden that I'll carry forever... let's rule with that bad luck of yours and make the best of your burdening" he says angrily and I just nod as his touch hurts.

"Now come you need to rest" he says picking me up and taking me to the bedroom. He lays me on the bed and goes out. He then comes back minutes later with soup and some tablets. He feeds me the soup and helps me drink the medicine which helps me fall asleep.

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