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"So here's the contract.." I take out the envelope and give it to her. She takes it and gives it to Tobias.

"Let me check with my lawyer first then I'll get back to you. It was nice meeting you" Adele says and I smile at her.

"Same here Miss Moray. The food was delicious so was the dessert" I tell her. It has been a great evening if it wasn't for her stories. Vally has already jumped in the car waiting for me. His acting very insecure.

"Call me Adele." She says and I nod.
"Drive safely..bye" she tells me. I hug her and give Tobias a handshake before jumping in the car with impatient Vally.

As soon as I close the door he starts driving. Honestly, during the dinner I sensed the tension between them. There is more to this then she predicted. "I know you going to shout at me and Fucking make noise but I won't answer your questions nor am I interested" he says while driving.

I look at him angrily. He still has the nerve to open his mouth and say such things. "Well I don't care cause I need answers" I tell him while buckling up cause his driving very fast.

"Vally, you almost cost me my job. What happened to you being by my side" I ask him. He said that he will be by my side and I shouldn't worry but he actually has to go and run far from my side.

"I told you I'm not interested" he says looking at the road.

"What is it. Do you have a crush on Adele?" I ask him. He stops driving almost crashing into the car in front.

"What did you Fucking say?" He says tilting his head at me dangerously. I can see the anger in his face even though the dark night. I pressed the wrong button again but this time my intentions are good.

"You heard me" I say looking outside.
"And what the fuck would make you think that?" He asks me putting both his hands on the steering wheel.

"Go to the back right now" he demands. I turn to him and give him a confused look which he ignores. I open the door and step into the dark night before entering the backseat  of the car once again.

He does the same and joins me at the back. I hope he isn't thinking of hurting me cause I'm already afraid of the angry Vally. He comes close to me that I can feel his hot air from his nose. "Don't and when I say don't.." he puts his hand on my thigh going higher.

"You ever for a Fucking second think anything like that..." He says with his one hand squeezing my breast. I start getting nut by his touch and my breathing increases. What is he doing to me?.

"You are mines and I am yours that's how it is and will always be....understood" He says in a husky voice and I just look at him. I try kissing him to calm the pressure rising but he moves away.

"Understood?" He says again and I shake my head repeatedly. All my senses have gone wild that I don't know what's going on. The only thing I know right now is I need to kiss him or anything as long as it's with him.

"Good" he says and steps out going back to the drivers seat leaving me as a mess at the back. He arrives and parks outside my house. I thank him and step out. He doesn't walk me home but drives off the moment I step outside.


"How you doing?" Natalie asks me. I just woke up and went to the kitchen, still in my pyjamas. I'm so hungry and feel very tired. Maybe it's cause I could hardly close my eyes and sleep without seeing Vally torturing me.

"Good and you" I say while yawning and taking my bowl of cereal I made quickly. I sit down on the chair and start eating.

"Good. You look tired. What's up? Late night?" She says. I stop eating and look at her goofy face.

"Nothing like that's. Just had a nightmare" I lie.
"Shame. Get married and all that will end. When you get nightmares they always have brilliant ideas to stop them" she says wiggling her eyebrows playfully at me. She will never grow up.

"I'm working morning shift now. Will you look after little Reece for the weekends?" She asks me and I agree. He isn't troublesome and obeys me so I'm sure it won't be a challenge.

They finish eat breakfast and leave for work. "Hey aunty B" little Reece calls me. I finish shower and am sitting with Reece in the sitting room watching some cartoons.

"Is it wrong to call a girl beautiful?" He asks me and I stop eating the popcorn and stare at him. How do I answer this question?.

"Why you asking?" I ask him.
"Well, we have a concert someday and need to look for a partner. There's this beautiful girl in class and everyone likes her. I called her beautiful but she didn't buy it so she rejected my offer" he explains his story.

We all been having a hard time. I can't believe he also has some love troubles in his life. His only seven but is going through alot. "See, she is just being mean. Try someone else. I'm sure there are other beautiful girls whom will accept you for who you are" I say feeling wiser.

"You don't have to be with miss popular cause it's not worth it. Be with someone willing to be with you for who you are" I continue. He looks at me and I smile to assure him that my advice is legit.

I am actually speaking of experience. I remember not getting asked out for prom dance. It was so hurting that I never even attended it. He must be feeling the same just this time it's rejection.

The doorbell rings and Reece goes to get it. "Come in" he says and I stand up to go see who he is letting in. Vally and Sasha both come inside and I smile.

"Welcome.." I say hugging Sasha and holding her hands.

"Can I show Sasha my new Lego toys" Reece asks excitedly and I nod.

"I'll ask her out" he whispers in my ear and I start blushing giving him a thumbs up. He smiles and runs after her.

"Baby" Vally says hugging me and picking me up while spinning me around. He is in a good mood today.

"I missed you" he whispers in my ear before kissing me hard and grabbing my ass giving it a squeeze.

"Your birthdays coming" he says when we sit down on the couch. I even forgot about it. I just don't think I even want to celebrate it.

"Yeah right" I say and look at the tv that's still playing cartoons.

"Okay.. You don't wanna talk about that.. how...about movies. I got the best ones" he takes out the movies from his pockets and I just can't help but laugh.

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