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After my shower I put on some jeans and a tank top and my hair in a messy bun. I go downstairs and find Vally in the kitchen with an apron on and a plate with breakfast. I stop in my tracks and rest my head on the door frame while stare at him.

The way he is wiping his sweat from his forehead. He always seems to be sweating when his in the kitchen. The way his standing and concentrating. His just so perfect.

"Breakfast is served" he puts the pancake in the plate. I come back to life and walk to the table. "You cook?" I ask but feel stupid as he just made breakfast so of course he cooks.

"Did I ever mention that I was a mama's boy?" He laughs but has a proud look on his face.  The bad boy can cook. That's a story that can be told. I sit down and gulp the food that taste so glory.

Licking my fingers "That was yummy" I comment and hold my tummy. He actually nailed it. I can cook also but I'm nothing compared to him. "That's just the start" he takes our plates and puts it in the dishwasher. "Is it my birthday already ?" I ask him. I like this special treatment but it feels like there is more to this treatment. "Nope, but a lady needs to get some treatment once a while" he chuckles. I wish Kevin knew that.

We both sit in the sitting room, watching tv. I tell him about my Father and he listens attentively. I tell him about the funeral and he holds my hand in comfort and I actually don't have a breakdown. His turn and his father is a divorcee for years now. Apparently, his parents stopped loving each other and decided to break up. He is not close to his parents but his sister, Lorraine which I have noticed.

"I'm bored now especially after sharing our sob stories. Let's play a game" I say while clapping my hand. He looks at me and raises his eyebrows. "Sure" he says and takes a sip of his Orange juice.

"How about truth or dare?" I ask and put my hands up in questioning.

He nods and I'm the first one. "Truth or dare Vally" I ask him and he looks at me.

"Truth" he says. Just what I wanted him to say. This way I can get more information about him and find a way to get to him. "Is it truth that you have a girlfriend?" I ask him. I have always wanted to find out about his private dating life and this is the best way. He won't realise I'm curious cause the game will cover it all.

"It's actually complicated" he rubs his forehead.
That could mean either his dating or not. So there stands a chance that he could be with me. I feel so happy. "Truth or dare, Brittney" he asks me.

"Dare" I say all confidently. I hope he dares me to kiss him cause I would really love my lips against his. "I dare you to dance for me" he says with a smirk on his face. My eyes go wide and I watch how his enjoying my shock. I can't do that. It already sounds disgusting. I would never dance for anyone especially this stranger.

"Truth" I change my decision.

"Well my truths are also inappropriate. Are you still a virgin, Mary" he asks me. They actually are very inappropriate. I wonder why he would ask me such confidential information.

"Let's make it a bit child's play" I suggest and go to the kitchen to fetch some popcorn and more juice.

I come back to the sitting room and find him relaxing. I pour for both of us more juice and sit down next to him. "So then do we carry on?" I ask him.

"Truth or dare Brittney" he asks while taking a handful of popcorn.

"Dare" I say ready for what he will say now cause it's now under child's mode and no more adult mode.

"I dare you to throw the popcorn in your mouth for two minutes" he dares me.

"Easy" I say confidently and sit properly. I take the one popcorn throw it up and catch it. The game goes on for the two minutes and I only managed to get two in my mouth.

"Your turn. Truth or dare" I ask him after cooling down from the laughter.

"Dare" he says and waits for me.

"I dare you to go on your knees and pretend to be a dog" I say while laughing. I can already imagine him doing it and it has got me laughing my ass out.

"The fucking nerve" he says. He then goes on his knees and he starts barking like a dog causing me to laugh even harder.

"Okay that's enough" I say while holding my tummy and calming down.

"You better not say such next time cause it's very embarrassing" he stands up drinking finished his juice to also calm down.

When last did I have such a good laugh?. I really owe him for that cause he just made my day.
"Right truth or dare" he asks me.

"Dare" I say.

"I dare you to describe me" he says and I feel my cheeks heat up. I really can't tell him how I actually see him cause his just so perfect. If I do tell him that he will definitely think I'm into him and I actually am.

"Uhmm.." I clear my throat and look around the room for anything. I get an to describe the Vase with the beautiful plant that Alex got for Natalie.

"Tall. Broad. Weird. Angry. Moody. Fresh. Not so bad to look at. Strong. Cooker. Fixer.. I think that's all I can of right now" I look back at him to find him smirking.

"So there is more?" He asks with a devilish grin and sits straight with his hands together. Oh shit. I take my words back.

"And you might think I'm good looking and strong?" He asks and I look away as I know that I am blushing. I rub my eyes to cover him from seeing my cheeks.

"Nope. But whatever floats your boat" I shrug my shoulders and drink my juice finished.

"Truth or dare" I asks him. He pours more juice and sits back in his seat with his hands on his thighs and has a relaxed look. I'm glad we both getting comfortable around each other now. "Truth" he says looking me in the eye.

"Is it true that you hate me?" I ask him. I am using this chance for me to find out what he thinks about me. I got a few hints about his private life such as him being in a 'complicated' relationship and stuff.

"I don't hate you. You just kind of annoying at times" he says and looks at the tv. Wow. I'm annoying at times. I feel a little bit hurt but I just brush it off. Now's not the time to get all emotional.

"Truth or dare" he asks me taking me back to reality.

"Truth" I say.

"Did Kevin come over?" He asks looking me straight in the eyes again. "No, he never" I look away embarrassed. I regret picking truth.

"You know, his such an ass" his voice is so cold. His actually right but fact still remains that Kevin Is my boyfriend. It was only yesterday that I sided with him and it was all due to the situation. Either then that I have to stand up for Kevin.

"He does not love you.. We both social media stars but I always have time for my bitches" he looks back at the tv as if nothing happened.

"Kevin always has time for me" I bark.

"In general I know he doesn't. It's always party after party which you always not invited to" he is working on my nerves now.

"Just leave now" I tell him. "Think about it though" he stands up and out he goes.

How does he go from being comforting to hurting. And I so stupidly fell for it. Idiot.

Sitting for hours watching movies Natalie comes home. I help make supper in silence and that is actually a first. Natalie always has something to say, always.

After dinner she goes straight to bed trying to avoid me. Whatever that is on her mind I know that I have to give her space until she ready to talk. In my room I take my chair and sit by the window.

Everything that happened today comes back and I feel worthless. All I ever do is either cause pain or feel pain. The plan was to marry Kevin, move in with him, have kids and be happy but...

But that all turned into one horror movie. I don't even know if I want to be with Kevin. I don't know who is it that I want to be with. Maybe it's a sign that I'm going to grow old alone.

Finding the little strength left in me I crawl in my sheets and close my eyes.

H/ N : Could Vally be right? 🤔

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