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"I'll come in tomorrow. My stomach must be better then" I tell Kristen over the phone. I am calling in sick as I can't really tell them the truth. Today is Monday and me and Vally are about to embark on the journey of finding my mother.

"Take care" I say and hang up before she starts with something. I put on my sandals and stand up. I look at myself in the mirror and fix my dress. I hope I look presentable enough for her.

"We can leave now. I found someone to look after Vabri" Vally comes inside the room and stands behind me.

"You Fucking tough cake" he says raffling my hair and I squeal. I can't have him destroy my look. I take the comb and brush my hair which is loose. I thought she'd recognize me quicker with my hair loose.

"I'll be in the car my senorita" he says and gives me a kiss on my head before leaving. After being satisfied with myself I take the envelope and put it in my bag.

I might need proof in case she does not remember. I did some research and it turns out that chances are she can forget everything. I take her picture and kiss it. "I'm coming for you mother" I say touching it on the cheek.

I then leave the house making sure to lock all the doors and put of the lights. I go downstairs right outside to where Vally has the car parked waiting for me. I slide in the passenger seat and he starts to drive.

There are so many thoughts running through my mind but I don't want them to win. I need to do this or else I'll regret it. The GPS directs us straight to the institute and Vally parks in the parking lot.

"I hope this is it.. it kinda looks Fucking old" Vally says putting on his black leather jacket. My body takes too much fear that my legs feel like they can't move.

"Cake, we have to do this" Vally says passing me a bottle of water which I drink. I need to calm down. There is no going back now. I have to do this or else it will be over for me.

We both step out of the car into the cold and walk inside the hospital hand in hand. It looks much better inside then outside. "Hey, we looking for someone who was admitted here" Vally tells the receptionist who is blinking repeatedly and giving him seductive looks.

My mind is so busy that I just pretend that's not happening. "Name?" She asks chewing her gum. What if we don't find her here?. Or maybe she died also. I can't even let think of that cause it hurts.

"Regina fleckwood" Vally gives her the file with all the information. She takes it and reads the file before typing in her computer. I hope she finds whatever she's looking for.

"Nope. No record of her here but I can refer you to management. Maybe she knows something" she says and then calls. Me and Vally both look at each other and he smiles at me.

"You guys can go through" she says after talking to her manager. Vally doesn't thank her but takes the file and we go to the office. He knocks on the door and we enter when she gives us permission.

"Please take a seat" the woman with red hair says. We both take a seat and wait for her to finish water her plants.

"You guys looking for someone who was in this place" she says turning around and taking a seat. She looks old but has her makeup which is covering her wrinkles.

"Regina fleckwood" Vally says giving her the file with a picture. I pray this will go well. She puts her glasses on and reads the file. I am trying to peak by her to see any expression but the file is covering her whole face.

"I remember this woman. She was here years ago" she says and I sit straight to hear what she's about to say next. My mother was here once upon a time.

"I was a janitor here before getting this position. So you the daughter she talked about" she says putting the file down and taking her glasses off. I smile after hearing that she never forgotten me.

"Yes" I say confidently.
"So, do you have any idea where she might be?" I ask her.

"She left years back and I wasn't close to her so I have no idea where she could be....." She says giving me a sad look. Vally locks hands with me once again as I sit back and look down.

"Perhaps family member whom used to visit her?" Vally asks and I look up again at both of them. My father didn't mention any family member from my mother side.

"Nobody used to visit her except Kyle her husband" she says squinting her eyes trying to remember anything else. That's It we never did start a real search but we hit a dead end.

"But she had a close friend who had a good relationship with her. Her name was....." She scratches her head and tries to remember. I cross my fingers so that she does find something.

"Nurse Merlin Olsen" she says and I can finally breath.

"Where can we find her?" Vally asks.
"I have her document in the old staff room so it might take time to find her address. I'll check and let you'll know but that's not today. Maybe tomorrow" she says looking at both me and Vally. I really want to cry cause I'm losing all of my hope.

"Excuse me" I say standing up and leaving the office. I walk out with my hands wrapped around myself. At the reception I find the receptionist and other nurses gossiping about Vally and do I blame them nope. They locked up in this place with crazy people so it's very shocking to see a sane handsome man.

Ignoring them I walk out and go to the car. Luckily the doors aren't locked I open it and sit inside. "It's over. Just accept" I say crying and hitting the dashboard. I can't take this anymore. Every try is taking us to a end point. I should have just stopped everything when my legs couldn't move.

I should have just taken the sign but because of my stubbornness I decided to ignore it. "Cake, it's going to be fine. I promise you" Vally comes in the driver's seat and hugs me.

"I should just forget this" I say and he disagrees with me.

"Cake, your mother used to think of you. She told everyone about you. Doesn't that help you realise that you were important in her life. She loves you honey" he says and I calm down. The doctor said herself that my mother used to talk about me.

"If she cares why didn't she leave me a clue. A tiny clue" I say breaking out of his arms and wiping my messed up face with baby wipes. I wonder why does Vally have baby wipes in his car but that's the least of my worries.

"Cake, try and understand. Maybe something fishy was going on that made her just vanish. I mean we see such things in the movies" he says trying to comfort me. "Well this is not the movies" I say and he just shrugs his shoulders.

After cleaning up I look out of the window while he drives us back home.

Back home we enter our apartment. I throw my things on the table and myself on the couch. "Such a long day" I say taking off my sandals and putting my feet on the table and closing my eyes.

I open my eyes as I hear the door open. In comes Vally with Vabri who runs to me. I pick him and start kissing my little boy. "Hey baby boy. Mommy's back" I say and he plays with his toy.

"I hope you were a good boy" I say while patting his fur.

"Apparently he was. We such good owners" Vally who joins us on the couch says. I put my hand on his cheek while he plays with his phone. "Why not parents. I'm his mother V and you are his father" I say and he just laughs.

"I got no Fucking child no do I Fucking want one" he says and I just look at him. That's sounded a bit harsh. So if I were to get pregnant he would force me to abort the baby.

"You not being serious are you?" I ask him. I also have no plans of getting a baby now but one day I will want lots of kids.

"I'm dead serious cake. Fucking serious" he says and I just look at him. That means we will never be together in future and that thought hurts.

"Oh yeah cake, she says I can go fetch the address tomorrow" he says looking at me. I doubt I can make it tomorrow but I'll try and make time. I hope all this trouble is worth it.

"Okay, I'm making some grilled chicken for supper" I stand up going go the kitchen to make supper.

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