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"I'm not really hungry so I'm going to bed. Goodnight" I say while stretching my arms. We have spent the whole day bingeing on the couch and watching movies.

"Okay, I'll meet you in bed" he kisses me goodnight as I stand up and go to the bedroom. I change in my pyjamas and put my hair in a messy bun. Before jumping in bed my phone rings and it's Natalie.

"Hello" she says and I hear Alex and Reece in the background.

"How's the new apartment?" Alex asks.
"Did you get your keys yet and did you eat breakfast, lunch and supper. Don't forget to drink lots of water and always have in between snacks?" Natalie says. "Did you watch the new cartoon?" Little Reece asks. They all speak at the same time confusing me.

"The apartment isn't bad Alex, thanks for asking.
I never yet get the keys and yes I ate. Little Reece I did watch the new episode of Naruto and I have alot to tell you" I answer them all. I really miss my family. Maybe tomorrow after work I might go and visit them.

"Yeah, good l. Shut up you two, I'm talking to her first. Wait for your turn" I hear Natalie shout at everyone.

"So how's your roommate she isn't a bitch Is she?" Natalie asks once there is silence in the background. I'm sure she threatened Alex and bribed Reece in order for them to remain silent.

"Well, it isn't bad. That's all I can say now" I say thinking about my roommate and how wonderful it has been going. "We should meet up some time so that I can inspect her" she says and I lay in bed. The real truth is actually she has met my roommate and has stayed right next door my roommate and has inspected him with the results of him being bad news.

"We'll see about that" I say laying comfortably.
"Don't get up to any kind of bad dealings okay" Alex says.

"Yes sir" I say and he just laughs before saying goodnight. I talk to little Reece for a few minutes about our favourite cartoon show before he hangs up due to his sleeping time. Laying in bed I take a book and read but end up getting bored so I close it and sleep.


"Oh shit, I'm late" I say jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. I just wash my face and brush my teeth before running back to the bedroom. Vally wakes up from the noise that I'm making.

"Jeez, cake. I didn't ask you to move in just so you can take my piece of mind" he says yawning and putting his head back on the pillow. I ignore him and carry on changing into my work outfit. I leave my hair loose not concerned about the damaged curls at the bottom.

I put on my heels and spray myself before taking my bag filled with files and running out. I rush downstairs greeting my new neighbours in a fast yet polite way. I throw everything in my car and start it. I know I'm going to drive like a maniac.

"You are late" Kristen says and I just rush past her. Barging in my office I throw everything on the table and sit down to calm my racing heart. "She moved into a new apartment and comes to work late.. busy night or morning" Kristen says.

"Or both" Jeven says and they start laughing at me. I drink some water after calming down and sit straight. "Damm, Brittney that's too much of cologne" Jeven says standing behind me and sniffing my jacket.

"Why you got on men's perfume?" Kristen asks. I know remember actually using Vallys perfume instead of my own. I close my eyes and take in the embarrassment.

We start working for hours and it's now lunch time. "At least now Vally doesn't have to come here daily" Kristen says and I stop eating and look at her.

"And whys that?" I ask her. "He was here literally every day but now he gets to see you before and after work" she finishes off. Jeven and I just look at her and shake our heads in disappointment. Just when I thought I escaped Natalie and her inquisitive mind I'm faced with Kristen and her stupid comments.

"Our first delivery made thousands" Jeven tells me as we finished our lunch and decided to rather work then entertain Kristen.

"Was it deposited into the main account?" I ask.
"Yes, and we getting paid very soon. I would really love a big bonus for this month" he says getting excited.

"I am going to talk to Mr Stephens about your pay. You only new, your bonus should start after 3 years" I say and watch how the happy smile has now turned into a big frown. I start laughing at him and he joins in.

"Okay toodles you two" I wave at my two minions as I make my way to my car. I drive to Natalie's house first before going home. "Hey, look whose here?" Alex comes with his arms open pulling me in a hug.

Little Reece and Natalie both come running downstairs and join in. "I missed you so much I could barely breath" Natalie says still hugging me. I'm going to need an operation after this because she's hugging me very tight.

"It's just one day already, silly" I say going to the kitchen. I came just in time as the table is set and I'm so hungry. The rest of the family join and we all have a wonderful chat.

"Why do you have to leave now?" Little Reece whines as everyone walks me out. I really wish I could stay the night but I got a man to go to. I hug everyone and drive off in the dark night. When I arrive at home the door is locked. I do not have keys.

"Bloody bastard lock me outside and is nowhere to be found" I curse at the door while trying to push it open.

"Excuse me mam" the security guy comes. His not the one who had opened for me the last time. He looks between me and the door. "Oh, no it's not what you think. I stay here with my boyfriend but his not here and I got no keys. Thanks for the help but ill manage on my own" I say.

He gives me a very suspicious look before shaking his head and leaving. He turns around and gives me one last look and I wave at him. I need to act calm or else he'll really believe I'm a thief on a heist.

"Darn you Vally. Out of all days today" I say after trying to call him but he doesn't pick up. After trying several times I receive a message from him saying I should wait in the garden as he'll take long.

"Just great. I should have stayed at Natalie's, now I'm going to spend the night in the garden" I say angrily while going to the garden. I feel my feet pain as the stairs don't seem to end.

I go to my car and put my things in it before going back to the garden. Sitting and waiting I feel something fall from up to my skin. I hope it's not rain cause I'll freak out. I don't want to sit in my car as it's dark in the garage and my phone battery is low. I look up and see snow like ice fallen from up.

It's not yet Christmas or winter I wonder where this is coming from. Taking the little ice in my hands and rubbing it do i realise it's not ice but something similar to ice. "You love it?" Vally shouts from the top of the roof. Bloody idiot is here also. Wait, his the one with the fake ice.

I stand in the middle of the garden and put my hands to my side with my eyes closed. I have always loved ice and since it's not yet the time for it to snow maybe that's why he bought this. "I love it" I say to myself. I stand like that for a few minutes enjoying the softness of it onto my skin.

"Cake, introducing Vallys snow" he whispers from behind me. He has his hands around my waist and next thing I'm in the air. "Stop stop, you'll make me dizzy" I say as he spins around with me in his arms.

"What are we celebrating?" I ask him when he stops.

"Come with me" he says picking me up bridal style and taking me back to our apartment. He puts me down and unlocks the door. I go and throw myself on the couch as I'm exhausted. He comes back with two boxes, a big one and a small one.

"What are these for?" I ask him. He puts them down and then kisses me on my forehead. Ever since I've been with Vally there are always kisses on the forehead which makes me feel like a queen. Something I have never felt in years.

"Thank you for being with me knowing exactly what a fuck I am. I hope it's not to late to wish you a happy birthday , my queen" he says and I feel my heart flutter. Whatever it is that I did that made me get him as a reward I'm really grateful.

"It's not late baby" I say with my hands on his cheeks.

"Which one you opening first?" He asks pointing at the boxes that I've been waiting so eager to open.

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