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Darling angel
Darling angel
Darling angel

Slowly opening my eyes i notice my surroundings. I'm in my bedroom , lying on my bed. I turn to see the time and it's late afternoon. Which means I passed out for hours actually half the day. Sitting up my head hurts and I wince in pain. It feels like a bloody hungover from weeks ago.

The door opens and a worried Natalie, Alex, Kevin and an old man with a doctor's coat comes in. "Thank goodness you awake" Natalie rushes over to me and hugs me. You'd swear I was dead by the looks on they faces. "Whose this?" I point to the old man and they all look at each other.

He sure is not a family member as it's the first time I'm seeing him. I wouldn't even suggest that his visiting cause he has with him his tools which means his working. "Is someone going to tell me what's going on?" I ask again just this time louder.

"His doctor Jasper" Natalie smiles at me. I know that smile , it's the one she gives me when she wants something. "His here to help you with your depression" she finishes off and I feel my anger take over immediately. "I do not need help okay" I try getting up but my legs fail me as I'm too weak to stand and that's when I remember what had happened. I was in the bathroom and next thing I passed out. I'm pretty sure that is what happened.

"See.. you suffering Brittney. It's high time you get help. You do know this isn't the first time this is happening"  She sits down with me.

"I have always wanted to be a doctor to help you fight this. Please I beg of you" she takes my hand in hers.

I remember the first time this happened to me it was two months after my father's death. My mother took me to a doctor for treatment and turns out I had depression but I never believed that cause I knew there was more to this. I got help and it stopped. When I turned 16 it came back again but I never told anyone. I felt alone so I thought that 'this' would kill me slowly and I would soon be reunited with my father. Through death.

Brushing away my thoughts I move my hands from hers. "Is that supposed to make me feel better" I ask her looking at them all in the room.

"You see doctor, when she wakes up she turns into a moody teenager" Natalie stands up and walks around clearly irritated.

"Ma belle, we want to help you" Kevin says and Alex pats his shoulder for comfort. "Get the fuck out" I shout. They all look at me with pity in they eyes. "I don't need your pity" I throw them my pillows and they all walk out. This is one of the reasons why I don't need help.

They intentions wouldn't be out of love but out of pity and that is exactly what I don't need. I get up slowly and go take a really cold shower. The moment the cold water touches my pale skin I sit onto the floor and enjoy its calming effect.

After my shower I put on my pyjamas since its already late. I go downstairs to the kitchen grab an Apple and head for the living room. I stop in my tracks when I find people whom I don't recognise and some which I do all seated.

Slowly turning around I tip toe back to my room. I close the door and sit down on the floor.

** flashbacks**

Natalie's pov.

"Happy birthday?" Brittney wishes me as I munch on my chocolate chip cookies and cream. The kitchen is a mess due to my mother's lack of baking skills.

I just look at her and roll my eyes.

"Whatever piglet. I don't want a wish from you" I tell her. She has always been the sweet little kid that everyone liked. I never understood why they would all pick her and not me.

"I was just wishing you a happy birthday" she says with a smile on her face. That smile that is exactly the same as father's. I had mostly taken my looks from my mother well except my eyes which are ocean blue like dad's. She has the same looks as him according to everyone else.

But her dark hair is like a mystery. It's so dark and different from ours. We natural blondes while hers is silky dark. I tried changing my colour hair to be like hers cause dad always loved her hair. He scolded at me that day and I went to sit in the rain crying.

"Mommy Brittney's troubling me" I scream out loud and pretended to cry. I didn't like being around her cause she reminded me so much about dad. The bond they shared was special something which I never had with him. She was  everyone's little princess.

Now that dad is gone I'll show her whose the boss. I am the leader of this home. The princess. Her time has come to an end and now it's my time to rule. "You such a liar Natalie. I never did anything" she defends herself.

"I was sitting here alone enjoying my food while you showed your ugly face here.. That's something wrong to me" I tell her and cross my arms. I can't believe she still thinks she's all innocent when she's not.

"Dad said it is wrong to tell another person they ugly" she gets upset and crosses her arms. I notice  how she holds back her tears and pretends to be strong. "Oh come on. Where's your dad now huh?. He left us all. His such a betrayed just like you" I stand up and walk towards her.

"Brittney, stop troubling your sister.. you so naughty. Can't you see it's her birthday?" Mom comes to the kitchen right in time before I hit her.

"Sorry mother. I won't trouble  her again" she apologises to mother who is furious. Step father comes in and hits her head but she doesn't squeal like she usually does but rather smiles and walks out. Something is odd about her. Her behaviour is different from all the other times.

We sit together in the kitchen eating my birthday cake. "Do you hear that?" My step father asks and we all look at each other. There's another noise and that's when we all run out to find Brittney on the rooftop with a bottle of vodka. "Brittney get down" my mother shouted at her.

She took another sip and step. "I hate this life. I just want to die now. Aren't you'll happy that I'm freeing you'll from your pain. You guys have the chance to be happy now without me..." She says with tears in her eyes. I can feel my heart breaking cause one more step and she is dead.

"Brittney noooo" my mother screams and before she takes another step...

"Honey wake up, wake up"  Alex wakes me up.
"It was just a dream okay" he holds my hand and kisses it.

"She's going to die.. I can't believe I treated her like shit l..."  I start crying and he pulls me closer. I wish I could go back in the past and change things. I wish I was there for her when she needed me the most.

"Its okay. She won't die and you guys are happy together. Leave the past in the past honey" he lays down with me and I put my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him. I'm so afraid of losing her and that's why i am going to help her.

H/N : Natalie has regrets 😞

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