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Sitting in the office for hours I close my laptop and put my head on the table. I already had lunch with the other two and now I want some gum. Opening my bag I find the envelope. I had to take it to work cause I know Natalie is going to open it when I'm not around.

Taking it out of the bag I place it on my table. As I am about to open it there is a knock on the door. "Come in" I say hiding the envelope in the bottom drawer.

"Miss Adele, please come in" I say standing up to welcome her.

"Thank you so much, Miss Bryson" she says taking a seat on the opposite chair. She puts her expensive handbag on my table and takes off her sunglasses.

I also take a seat and make myself comfortable. I hope she isn't here for any bad news. "How are you now that you grown up?" She starts and we both laugh.

"It's going great so far" I say. There is actually no change in my life. Everything is still the same just the age that has changed which isn't important to me. "I know right, I also had this big birthday party for my 22nd birthday" she says with a smile on her face.

"Where was it?" I ask her.
"We went to France. We had so much fun club after club all night" she says laughing while remembering and I join in laughter.

"It was very nice" she says after laughing.
"Yeah, I can already imagine" I give in my comment just to not show her that I really don't care.

"Anyways I came here to----" she is cut off by the opening door and in comes Vally who stops in his steps after making contact with Adele.

I clear my throat and then they both break the contact. "Hey, what brings you here?" I ask Vally. I know he always comes to visit me but today I wasn't expecting him.

"I wanted to see you" he comes and stands behind me and starts giving me neck kisses. What the hell is he trying to do?. Can't he see that I'm at work and in a meeting. I sit forward so that he can stand straight and stop giving me kisses.

"Yes, Miss Moray you were saying" I say and she sits there looking at me and Vally who has a sly smile on his face.

"I-- came.." She doesn't finish her sentence as she chokes on her spit. I give her my water bottle and she drinks the water finished.

"You okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah, it happens" she says rubbing her neck and I hear Vally behind me start to giggle.

"I came to give the document. Signed and dusted" she says and I start smiling. I can't wait to break of the good news to everyone.

"Welcome to bluecom." I say as we both stand up and shake hands.

"To many more years" she says. After that she takes her handbag and turns to leave.

"Oh yeah, we should do some dinner just to celebrate. I'll text you the details" she says before she leaves.

I move from my seat and jump into Vallys arms while laughing. "I did it, I did it, I did it" I say over and over In his arms.

"Yes baby, you did" he says with least excitement.

"I made it" I say breaking out of his arms and walking around. I seriously don't believe it. I, Brittney Bryson made it all become possible. I start crying and take a seat on the couch.

"Hey, why you upset?" Vally joins me on the couch. I put my hands over my face and wipe off the tears. These are tears of nothing but absolute joy. I never believed in myself. I doubted myself every minute but now here am I.

"I'm not upset, just very happy. Thanks to you and your support. I love you Vally more then you think" I say and put my hand over his cheek before leaning in and kissing him.

I bite his lower lip and hear him groan. He puts his one hand on my waist and the other on my thigh making me wet. I know where this is going. I stand up breaking of the kiss and sit on his lap.

"We should celebrate don't you think?" He says looking me directly in the eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and smile at him. "Good idea" I say.


"Miss Bryson, congratulations. I knew we could rely on you" Mr Stephan says. He came here minutes after Vally left. The whole company is gathered in the board room to congratulate me.

"That's my girl" Kristen says getting everyone's attention. She clears her throat and looks down before apologising.

"I thank you guys all for the support and hard work. I have found here at bluecom not just workers but also a family.. to bluecom" I say and raise my glass of champagne.

"To bluecom" they all say also raising they glasses of champagne and drinking it. This is a very special moment. Kristen comes and gives me a hug.

"I'm so proud of you honey" she says.
"Thank you. Now let's celebrate" I take her arms and we both go in the group of people.


It is now after the party and I'm now at home having supper. "Congratulations sister, I'm proud of you" Natalie says and I thank her.

"Yeah, we all proud of you. Trust me I wouldn't make it especially with that woman" he says and drinks his wine finished. Adele does look like she is nasty and has an ego equal to all the money she has. Turns out she isn't that bad.

"She does look silly but she's nice" I say and yawn. After finishing my supper I take my plate and put it in the zinc before going to my room to rest.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. "Father, guess what. I got good news for you" I say.

"I got the deal. You should have seen how happy everyone else was. It all makes me wonder how happy you would have been..." I say with a smile on my face imagining him proud of me.

"I love you" I say and feel the sleep takeover. As I'm about to close my eyes I hear  noise coming from my window. I sit up and look at it. I closed my window so now what.

I sit for a few seconds debating on what to do before deciding on ignoring it and sleeping. As soon as my head touches the pillow there is another noise again. I finally stand up and go to the window.

I see a poster like on the floor with writings in bold instructing me to come out. I put on my gown to cover my nightie and wait for Natalie and Alex to enter they room which they do.

I quietly sneak out and go outside. "Whose there?" I ask but there is no answer. Maybe it's a trap to kidnap me and I'm giving them permission. Before I can move a hand grabs me from behind covering my mouth and holding my waist so I can stay still which I do just my heart beating fast in fear can be heard.

H/ N : who could it be ???

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