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Soon I will be removing this story from Wattpad, as I will be selling an edited version on Amazon. So read it while you can. :)


Silence, I relished in it as if it was a priceless gift, one that I haven't had the pleasure of enjoying in years. It wasn't just silence that consumed me though, darkness enveloped me as well, embracing me longingly and comfortably. The exception of both being my computer screen, the harsh reminder that there were still things to be done. But that was always the case, at least in my line of work. As time goes by so do the choices of those living their lives and, usually, making irresponsible and illegal choices. At times it ached at me that I've made money off the misfortunes and disasters of others, but I wasn't the only one, and when you think about it anyone that reports the goings on of the world profits in some way or another. Even when they report the good, the bad or untrue they are making money. I pride myself on reporting the truth, as it happens, where it happens, always there. I mouthed the words as I thought them, the motto of my own creation. It is still one of my prouder achievements in the short scheme of things, anyway. Another recent achievement being my ability to multitask, better. Which even now gets me in trouble with the wife. I dreaded taking a peek at the clock  and seeing that it was close to midnight I felt a wave of regret. I was supposed to try to get off work early tonight, which did not happen, but what could I do now but finish up? I then quickly scan over the emails that were "unread" and decided that much of this work could be completed tomorrow at home, then deciding to pack everything up and prep myself for the loss of my fleeting silent gift.
I locate my new corporate laptop, and slide it into its personalized case, my companies name embedded in white along the front. Phil harrison Reporting, seemingly glowed under the dim lights emitting from the nearby towering buildings which almost instantly made me smile. Though the laptop and its pairing case were newly purchased, the company that they presently belonged to I have been in the process of running and developing for nearly six years. Six long years of business classes, working for what is now the competition, and getting paid, not what I wanted, but some undeserved minimum-wage salary, but it all brought me here, to this moment, and for that I had to be grateful.
I slowly stand from my desk and lift the laptops strap above my head letting it fall onto my shoulders, the case now resting on my hip, bouncing as I made my way across the room. When I exit my office I can't help but turn around, effectively standing in the middle of the doorway. I start making note of the contents that occupied my room. My glass table, a large monstrosity that held not just my desktop but half a dozen stacks of folders upon folders, sat towards the back of the office, accompanied by one of the most expensive swivel chairs on the market. A "fancy" set of black arm chairs faced the desk, each turned at a diagonal so as to get the best view that they could. There were also several side tables, a private bathroom and even a minibar, not my idea, but none of those seemed as important to me as that single desk and the expensive chairs that faced it. I think it was the power that came with them, but I can't be sure.
Even though this office had not changed in nearly a year, it was nights like this that it still took my breath away. Nights when I realized my dreams had in fact come true.
There is a very little amount of light illuminating the space, which I had come to like. It was by choice that I was the last one to leave, and as the person before me left I would insist that the lights were to be turned off. I would always tell people, when they would ask, why I would do such a thing and usually they would nod politely not understanding my eccentricities.
My secret is, I work better in the dark, than any other type of environment. I think it all started from a childhood of early "bedtimes" and late mornings. I would often read novels under the darkness of a blanket so to hide the flashlight that would always run out of batteries at the most inopportune times. It was a similar feeling to now, with the darkness came peace and alone time, but now I crave it even more.
I walk up the slightly wider gap between cubicles that leads to the elevators, taking in as much as I could of my surroundings before I was bathed in light, one's that I could not turn off.
I firmly pressed the silver button, the arrow pointing down now glowing in a halo of white, waiting patiently for the elevator to arrive. I check my watch, not out of need, but out of an impatient habit, one I wish I could quit.
It was nearly five minutes, exactly, that the elevator finally opened a steady high-pitched beep indicating its arrival. I promptly stepped inside, pressed the button for the garage, the doors already closing behind me.
Sometimes I hated having a good work ethic. I hated the fact that at the end of almost every work day I felt desperately overworked and incredibly unbelievably drained. Like most nights, my legs feel nauseatingly sore from the prolonged amount of time Ive spent confined to my chair and desk, neither of which were comfortable in the least. As I finish up the final email of the night I notice that my fingers ache as well, bright red from the continuous monotonous typing. It wasn't that I disliked working hard, that was actually something that I had always done, but tonight being Friday night, I wished more than anything that I could be balled up on my couch, a piece of cheesy pizza in one hand, a drink in the other and a movie for entertainment. Like most nights though, that comfortable vision evaporated as time passed oh so slowly from my cave-like desk.
My boss knew that the work he had assigned me would take most people days, but he assumed like always, that I would work my ass off and get it done in one. And he was right. After ten hours, numerous calls, a literal stack of paperwork and spreadsheets I could finally call it. With a smile I knock on the table, effectively tapping out of my work week, instantly smiling as A vision of my father, a high school wrestling coach, flashed inside my mind.
"Tapping out isn't giving up, it's a promise to yourself to fight harder next time." His smile clung to my mind, as the many wrestling tournaments he had brought me to flash before my eyes. He was a hard worker too, as was my mother.
I scan to the bottom of the email chain, my boss preferring the old fashioned paper-in-hand, and print it out to the printer that sat just outside my cubicle, a handy but annoying placement. It was during peak hours of the workday that the sounds of paper through a printer and the beeps produced the second someone pressed print, were at its worst. To avoid the constant headache I thought of it as a mechanic melody similar to pi, it went on forever and never repeated in exactly the same way. It thankfully worked most of the time.
I retrieve my five page email from the machine and head towards Mr. Kern's office. The florescent lights guiding my way, at the least the ones that worked properly, apparently they were all soon to be replaced, or so they have said for almost a year as about a quarter of them were removed for not functioning correctly. Still there was plenty of light for me to see what I needed. I smile as I quickly sneak a peek into the empty cubicles, eyeing family photos, flowers and even a snack or two atop the desks.
I see a cubicle as a peek inside someone's own unique mind. The state of cleanliness or organization could really speak to who the person was, and that had always seemed to interest me. Some people call it by its disparaging name of "people watching" but I see it not as a criticism but as a chance to learn and grow.
I had learned a lot from my boss using this way of thinking, of course never informing him about my "studying".
I thought about him as I entered his office, and unlike the rest of the floor it was bathed in darkness. I pushed through the pristine glass doors swiftly leaving a burst of wind in their wake. I walk to his large hand-carved wooden desk that he couldn't help but brag about almost too often, then setting the newly printed papers in their designated space. And just as quickly as I entered, I left locking the door behind me.
I quickly and happily head back down to my over-organized chunk of office space, log out of my computer, throw my bag over my shoulder and head off towards the elevator.
So after one of the longest work days I've had in awhile, I smiled as I pressed the elevator button pressing long and hard, impatient to get down to my car and drive off into the night.
I didn't want to go home, not just yet. Maybe I would go for a drive, take a loop around the city and with the time being what it is, there wouldn't be much traffic to speak of. I could cruise on down by the river, maybe admire the dark rushing water spill over the small waterfall just outside of town.
Then I heard a beep and I could feel the floor stop moving beneath me. Guess I wasn't the only one burning the midnight oil.
Then the thick mechanical doors opened slowly revealing the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
She throws me a smile and I step aside so she can ride alongside me. I watch carefully as her hand extends out to reach for the buttons, but in seeing that her button was already pressed she quickly lowered her hand and moved back to stand against the wall.
I couldn't help but glance at her quickly, careful that she doesn't catch my gazes. I could tell she ws exhausted, the bags under her eyes instantly gave that away, but that didn't deter from her beauty. Her golden blonde hair hung gracefully in loose faded curls down her back and draped beautifully over her shoulders.
She flashed me a look accompanied with a smile and I was immediately en-captured with her emerald green eyes. It was also then that I noticed she didn't wear an ounce of make-up, something unusual for most women but on her it was glorious.
But then the room started to shake, as if an earthquake manifested itself around us! It rocked us around like an adult sized demented and deadly teeter-totter shaking us violently from side to side! My eyes quickly scanned the room over and over not knowing what to focus on next! I brace myself on the metal rail circling the entirety of the small space and I see that the strange attractive woman had had the same idea, her knuckles stark white as they grip the handles opposite me! Then as we just started to again get our balance, we dropped!

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