Getting Work Done

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Lately it seemed like everything was against us. I had a rush of jobs lately, which I guess was also good news. Derek had been working quite a bit as well being that he didn't want to quit either of his jobs. Masseuse by day, barkeep by night had  now become his normal routine. I had taken it upon myself to go down to the "pub" and plan out some of my work there, instead of my normal work space, cooped up in one of the rooms of my apartment. The bar was quiet, or at least for now it was. It didn't usually get busy until closer to 8 so I had a few hours to kill until all the drunk coeds came out to play.

"So how's work going?" Derek asks with a smile while setting my usual drink In front of me in one of the only cleared spaces of the table.

"Good, I guess I should be asking you that." I say looking over his body, a multitude of stains coating his apron and shirt.

"You know how it is." He says trying too hard to sound manly.

"Oh, do I?" I ask playing coy.

"What? none of your parties turn into a rager?" he teases while fist bumping the air ironically.

"I don't through those types of parties."

"No out of control soccer moms or boozing bankers or anything?" He teases while running his fingers through his uncombed hair.

"Nope not of that. I can prove it to you. I will take you to the next one I throw. You can come as my plus one." I joke.

"I'll be there." He says with a smile and a wink, leaving me to continue my work at the table.

At first I thought he was joking, I mean, if I wasn't the one  actually planning the parties not even I would want to attend them, but hey maybe that was his sort of thing.

After I thought about it him a little more I did realize something, he seemed to enjoy the "finer things" more than I did. I had only been to his apartment once, so far, and from what I could guess he was at least partially living outside of his means. I guess that would be one of the reasons why he got the second job. He drives a very nice car, lives in a very nice part of town, in one of the nicest condos I have ever been inside, and all on a massage therapist's salary. I don't know how he did it for so long.

I looked at the work laying out before me and decided that I could leave it to do tomorrow. I wave and catch Derek's attention and place three fingers in the air, indicating I would like three more drinks, all of which I will pay for, something I insisted immediately.

"So you're drinking tonight, I see." He says as he balances his tray on one hand then hands me  my drinks with the other.

"Long, hard day." I say with a wink vividly remembering our "private massage session" not two hours ago.

"Oh the roughest." He says with a sexy grin. Then his kisses me swiftly on the cheek.

"My place, tonight, after your shift?" I whisper to him as his lips brush against my skin.

"You know I'm not getting off til close to 2:30"

"Oh I will be sure that you will be "getting off" well after that." I say as I discreetly rub at his pant leg near his thigh. 

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