Going Unnoticed

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I couldn't help but think about Phil as I drove to the office the next morning; it seems as if he has been all I am able to think about lately.

I understand and respect that he wants to be in his child's life, but to just send me thousands of dollars' worth of baby products with no note or anything it made me feel uneasy.

I felt somewhat grateful for his generosity. I also felt somehow uncomfortable. Was this how things are with him? He doesn't know what products I would prefer or what I think is best of my, or rather our, child. Does he just act without discussing things first?

I came to the decision with Alex that we wouldn't do anything with my newly acquired merchandise until I had talked to Phil.

Funny enough I ran into him sooner than I expected.


There she was. Her blonde hair now cropped short and bouncing as she walked. She wore the same coat she had worn a few days ago, still quite a few sizes too small. Had she not received my packages?

As she got closer to the elevator, going up to the buildings main floors, I couldn't help but practically run to her. Then without noticing me she pressed the elevators call button and the doors opened happily for her.

"Kate! Kate!" I shout to her back still a good 30 feet away from her, my voice echoing loudly against the parking ramps cement floors and walls.

Then as she turned around in the elevator, now looking directly at me, I noticed a look of pure shock glowing from her eyes. But I was too late. Before I could get to the elevators doors they had closed and then she was gone, leaving me surrounded by the sound of her name still reverberating all around me.

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