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"I SAID GET OUT!" I shouted, my throat already sore.

"NURSE! NURSE!" I yell hoping that someone hears me.

"You are my dauthter no matter how old you are, and because you are my daughter what I say goes." My mother says her phone ringing, in tight fisted grasp.

"Difference is mom, I'm an adult and you can't control me anymore. I don't need you or your money anymore, I haven't in a very long time!" I say my voice now straining.

"Did someone call for a nurse?" A young man said rushing into the room a worried look on his face.

"Get her out of here! Call security." I say pointing a shaking finger at my mother as she stands at the end of my bed striking a pose of power and arrogance, complete with her arms on her hips move I recognized vividly from my childhood.

"She is my daughter..." She says to him now calm and collected. "I just wanted to help her now that she is out if surgery."

She blasted her puppy dog eyes, and for a second I thought the nurse would believe her.

"Miss this patient is over 18 and if she wants you to leave then you must leave and if you don't I will call for security." He says first looking at my mother and then to me smiling, slightly showing he is on my side.

"You're an ungrateful brat, you always have been." My mother said as she flung her purse over her head and marched out the door.

"I'm sorry about her, I'm not even the one that called her." I say with a smile, grateful for his actions.

"Yeah, I saw your husband call for her earlier, he looked very worried about you." He said with a smile now showing off his perfect teeth.

"Ex." I corrected.

"Excuse me?" He asked and I could swear his eyes twinkled at me.

"He's my ex husband."

"Oh. Okay. Well just know that I can check in on you, see that little red button to your left?" He asks me pointing to the edge of the bed.

I find it then turn to him and nod.

"If you need anything just press it once and I will be right here." He says moving closer to the bed.

"And if I press it two times?" I ask flirtatiously.

"Well." He says sitting on the edge of my bed near my feet.

"Then I might just have to get here faster." He said with a wink then standing from the edge of the bed.

"Thank you." I whisper before he disappeared back into the hallway.


"Okay can we talk about all of this on the way to the station?" I ask them both.

"Yeah, sure whatever, let's just find Phil. Where are we going?" Kate asks her hair and shoulders already damp with rain.

"It's two miles up the road." I say a shiver running down my back as the cold harsh wind blew through us.

"And how are we supposed to get there?" Alex asks me huddling close to me for warmth.

I look up the street and am greeted with a bright moving light barely illuminating through the rain.

"Look." I point to the yellow car causing the girls to turn around to get a better look.

"How do you know that cab isn't already for someone else?" Kate asks.

"It is. It was. It was Phil's cab." I say waving at the driver and waiting for him to pull over.

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