Financial Executive

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I couldn't help but send Alex a text as soon as Erica had left the elevator.

"Guess who I just ran into?" I sent while riding up the rest of the way to my floor.

"Phil?" She answered back almost immediately.

"Nope, worse. His wife!"

"Does she know, has he told her anything!?"

"She didn't seem like she knew anything about me. I was actually wrong about her." I answered back right before the elevators doors opened. "Lets just say I don't feel as bad for her as I did before."

"Whys that?"

"Because she is horrible, like truly horrible." I sent back before sliding my phone back into my pocket.

I made my way to my office and as I rounded the corner I saw an elderly man at my door, which instantly made me smile.

There is was in bold white lettering hovering over the glass KATE WILKS, FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE.

Once he finished I peeked around and made sure no one was looking and pointed my cell at my door, encapturing a perfect photo of my name.

After years of college I had finally graduated and like the company had promised I was instantly promoted.

I did feel bad having to take maternity leave so soon after the promotion but at the same time it's not like I had planned for all of this to happen now.

I instantly wisked away those "bad" thoughts as I walked through my door and sat down at my desk. I then tried to make myself comfortable as I finished up some paperwork.

After an hour had passed I heard a knock, a sound I wasn't yet used to hearing here. I look up to see my boss standing behind the door. Before I could stand, he let himself inside.

Before he has the chance to even sit down I start speaking.
"I could have come to you sir, what is it you need?" I ask.

"Oh nothing, nothing. " he says pushing his glasses up from the bridge of his nose. "I'm here to congratulate you, with your name on the door it looks like you're here to stay" he joked.

I had heard the joke many times from him, I guess I was a hot commodity when he hired me.

"Of course I'm here to stay." I say with a smile.

"Good, now you take good care of yourself, don't want to work you too hard." He says first looking to me and then my stomach.

Maybe I had used the pregnancy excuse one too many times, maybe not.

"There is a board meeting scheduled for next week and I would very much like you to come and observe. If that works for you?" He asks as he slowly stands from his chair, his spectacles nearly falling off.

"That will not be a problem." I say as I too try standing from my chair apparently having as much difficulty as him.

"Seems like we both need some help." He joked again.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Then after he had left the room, I heard my phone beep from purse.

It was a text from Alex.

"I stopped by your place to do some laundry, and...well, the sooner you get here the better!"

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