He Loves Me

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I could barely even fathom what was happening right now. I fell nauseous, nervous but also warm and loved.

"Yes!" I half yell in the small familiar space.

Then his arms were around me and his lips were pressed firmly against mine.

Then a horrible feeling swept over me as his lips began to move first to my ear then down my neck: I know I love Phil, and I know he loves me, but would be it be horrible to ask him why he asked me to marry him?

I mean, was it because we were about to have a child and he felt he needed to for solely that reason, or was it because we were leaving the place he had once shared with Erica and wanted to make things more intimate between us , or was it because he truly loved me and wanted to be with me?

His hands had now started to rub my belly and his lips moved back to mine but I couldn't help but let the depressive thoughts run wild in my mind, I had never even told him that I would like to be married, let alone to someone I barely know, does he think I want to be married... Well I guess now he does. 

I kissed him as passionately as I could, my hands now playfully scratching at his back and as the elevator chimed informing us of our arrival to our desired floor I couldn't help but think one last sad but maybe somewhat truthful thought: Had I made the wrong decision in saying yes?


Teasing, it has almost always been a signature move of mine, one that hadn't always worked out but when it did, good things always followed. I have always loved a man with a sense of humor, one that would not only laugh at my jokes but through an even wittier response back at me, and in Derek I think I found just that.

I could sense him walking not a foot behind me. I could almost hear the smile in his voice. Then he started running after me playfully, so I ran ahead too. All smiles we ran close to two entire blocks before he caught up to me catching me in his arms.

"You're not getting away that easy." He said with a grin.

His hands release me but only slightly as now they were gliding up and down my sides leaving tingles in their wake.

I turn around not leaving his embrace and kiss him longingly, craving more and more.

"I wish I could continue kissing you." He said, an almost sadness in his voice, "but I have to get back to work, here's my card." He said withdrawing a card from his wallet.

"I hope to hear from you soon Alex." He says with a smile leaving me standing on the sidewalk near the coffee shop we had stopped by earlier.

I watched him walk quickly to his car, hop inside and drive away, leaving me behind.

Even with him now hundreds of feet away I could feel his lips on mine. I could re-imagine his soft fingertips running through my hair and down my back. I again felt the butterflies running rampant in my stomach. I had never felt this sort of instant desire and passion before, especially not right away. It was as if his touch was somehow different from any other man's presence before. All other memories of past men faded away as my mind focused acutely on his fingers, his hands, and his body. This is what passion is. This is what electricity is. This is what I have been craving for oh so many years. 

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