Waiting Room

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I looked both ways as I crossed over the deserted street and seeing that it was clear I decided I would just run the stop sign, for Kate.

I tried not to speed to much, but as I saw my speedometer I noticed Inwas going at least 15 over the limit.

Kate, the baby, Kate. Some stranger had Kate's phone, but why? Why was she already at the hospital?

I parked as close as I could to the hospital and sprinted the rest of the way.

One of the side doors was closer so I let myself inside. As always there was no one around so that made it easier to jog the back hallways and get myself to the front desk.

"Kate. My friend Kate. Is she here?" I asked almost completely out of breath.

"Are you family?" The mean woman, I have delt with before, asked me.

"She's my cousin, closest family she has." I lied, knowing that's what Kate would want. "Can I see her?"

"She is getting checked out, you can visit her when they are done. Just take a seat with the others." She said as pointed over at two man that sat about 20 feet away.

Others? I don't know either of those men, but I decided I should still walk over to them.

"Uh, you guys know Kate?" I asked them interrupting nothing but silence.

Then I see her purse on one of the mans laps.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Phil. You must be..??" He asks obviously wanting to know my name too.

"I'm Alex, and that's Kate's purse." I said pointing to her bag.

"Yes it is. Here. Her cell is in there too." Phil said while handing me the always too heavy bag.

"And you are?" I ask the other man.

"I'm Derek, but I don't know Kate. I was just with her when she fainted." He said with a worried tone.

"And you guys were already here?" I ask them both.

"Kate drove me here. My wife was admitted close to two hours ago and I wasn't in the condition to drive." Phil said a hint of nervousness in his voice.

I bet you weren't.

Though I have never, until now, met Phil I knew enough about him that I knew for a fact that this is the Phil. Kate's Phil if you could call him that.

He was exactly as Kate had described several months ago. Deep chestnut brown hair, muscular, tall, and she had said he was kind but I will have to judge that for myself.

I took a seat across from them not really sure what to say next.

"So you're Alex." Phil said with the slightest of smiles.

"Uh, yeah?" I answered.

"It's nice to meet you." He said with the same almost smile.

"It's good to meet you too." I said with a completely fake smile, feeling slightly confused.

All I could think about while he spoke was that he obviously wasn't good enough for Kate. Once a cheater...

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