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I was quite happy when I found a case of beer among the items that Derek had bought.

"Want one?" I offered from the fridge.

"Sure." He replied from the couch beside Alex.

I grab one for myself and one for Derek and take a seat on the couch beside thiers, passing the beer to him on the way.

"So what's Kate doin?"He asks after taking a long pull.

"She should be right out, She was putting Nora to bed." I said as I sipped on my own beer.

"She sure does sleep a lot." Alex said as she downs her glass of store bought lemonade.

"Thankfully, though I know if I were to go down there she would be up all night, something about me keeps her up."

"You're her daddy, what's not to love." Alex said jokingly.

"Am I missing the party?" Kate asks as she comes up from stairs proceeding to take a seat beside me.

"If you can consider it a party if there's only beer to drink." Derek jokes as he downs his can.

"Who said there was just beer?" I said with a wink. "I'm prepared for all sorts of emergencies including liquor ones."

I opened up a far cupboard near the stairs and stood on my tiptoes reaching for the bottles I knew hid from my view.

"Here, let me help." Derek says already standing from the couch.

He had a good three inches on me, in height that is, and easily got down the four full glass bottles.

Whiskey, Vodka, Tequila and Rum.

"Take your pick." I said to them.

I knew Alex and Kate would head straight for the Vodka but I decided to follow along with Derek and poured myself some Rum and Coke.

"This helps." Kate said with an alreafy half drunken smile, it never took at much to get her inebriated.

Before long we were all quite drunk. Derek and Alex had started to make-out on the sofa and Kate cuddled beside me half out of her mind.

"You know I love trees." She drunkenly states.

"Oh really?" I joke knowing I'm no where near as drunk as she is.

"Oh yeah. They're awesome." She says flaling her body as she speaks.

I look at her drink and see that it is empty on the side table, now is the best time to cut her off.

"Are you tired?" I ask her playfullas I run my fingers through her hair.

She nods.

"I'm taking her to bed, you two have a good night." I said to Alex and Derek as they stopped for a breath between kissing.

"Night." They both said.

I guided Kate slowly down the basement stairs and pulled out the blankets for her.

She immediatly nestled herself between them and then I turned off the light and closed the door leaving her alone in her dream world.


As we strolled down isle after isle I would grab items for Trevor, not knowing if he would actually like them or not.

"So this is what it's like?" Ben stated as we glided past the fruits and vegetables.

"Yep, you weren't missing much." I said as I reached for several red apples sorting out the undesirables.

"It is interesting having more choices. Usually I just go by my monthly menu but why would I ever do that when I could have what ever I wish what ever day I want it." He said happily.

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