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When she had told me what she was going to do I almost didn't believe her. I mean with everything that had happened it was rational that she would make the decision to thank her but under the such strange circumstances I can't believe that she was actually going to. She had even asked to go in alone but I'm not sure if that is for my sake or hers.

I'm not even sure myself if my presence would help or hinder the situation but now I will never know. I can picture them now both in their unintentionally revealing hospital gowns chatting about who knows what.

The waiting room's chairs grew more and more uncomfortable by the second and before I knew it I was outside breathing in fresh air. The sky was a bright baby blue unobstructed by clouds of any kind. Something about the openness was calming; it somehow had the power to cease my stressful thoughts altogether.

I spot the diner that Derek had mentioned just a few buildings down from the hospital and without even thinking my feet were leading me there.

A small bell rang once above my head announcing my arrival to the cozy establishment. There were several patrons, about 30 or so but I had spotted Alex and Derek almost immediatly sitting near window toward the back.

I catch Alex's gaze and she waves me over. With a small smile I walk over to them, thinking about whether or not to discuss my thoughts with them.

"Oh hey Phil, come here take a seat." Derek says with a smile as he stands from his side of the booth and slides in beside Alex leaving me to take a seat opposite them.

"Thanks, guys." I say letting out a deep breath.

Before I could say anything else the waitress was at our table.

"Oh hello, would you like anything?" She asks friendly and courteous.

I look for a menu but come up empty.

"You wouldn't happen to have a chocolate shake would you?" I ask already feeling hopeful.

"We do. Is that what you would like?"

"Yes that would be perfect." I answer with a smile.

"And you two? Would you like anything else?" She asks Alex and Derek.

They respond with shakes of their head.

"We're stuffed." Alex says patting her stomach. "Everything was delicious"

"I'm glad you enjoyed everything." She says removing the dishes from the table.

"I will be right back with that shake." She says before walking back toward the kitchen.

"So Alex and Derek. I know we aren't like close friends or anything but there's something I would like to admit to both of you."


"Hi Erica. Sorry t just to drop in, there's just a few things I wanted to talk to you about." I said feeling uncomfortsable and nervous. I had only actually talked to Erica one other time on a short elevator ride in what felt like a lifetime ago.

"It's nice to see that you're okay." She said sitting up on her bed, propping herself up with several thin pillows trying to make herself more comfortable.

"Well, I could do without the head shrinking but besides that, yeah, I am feeling better." I say eyeing the seat beside her bed.

"So they visited you too huh?" She said eyeing the chair too. "You can sit down if you would like."

"Thanks, yeah I've never seen anyone enjoy twisting someones words around like that woman."

"Yeah." She mumbled.

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