Saving us

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In all eight S.W.A.T team members exited the vans, in black gear, bulletproof vests, facemasks, guns and enough skill that could wipe us all out.

Two of the men take cover behind the van with the impersonators, talking with each other while the other men continue walking towards the cabin. They look in ever direction possible their gun following their eyes, up, down, left, right, the cold black metal whipping back and forth efficently and methodically.

These men are supposed to be saving us. These are the men that are here save us.

"What do we do?" I ask Phil.

"We surrender. We don't have any other options." He says sounding defeated.

"Not all of us have know." Alex says hugging me tighter but now facing toward the door.

"This cabin is a crime scene. Police were murdered here. They are going to close this place off for a very long time and this bunker wasn't built for long term sustainability." Phil says sorrowfully. "We don't have a choice but to hope that they believe us."

"What proof do we have?" I ask.

"We have the videos right honey?" Kate chimes in from the floor.

"Yes. We do. But that's it." Phil says looking to the cameras again watching the men enter through the front door.

"That should be plenty of proof." Alex says now squeezing my hand more tightly than I thought could be possible.

"We don't have the bodies, or the weapons, hell I might even be arrested." Phil says now plopping on the ground beside Kate. "I love you sweetie and I will do anything for you.... I just... I."

"You aren't alone Phil. We will all be there for you no matter what happens." I say to him, almost surprised by my own words but meaning every bit of it.

"Okay, then lets go." Phil says prepping to stand up.

I extend my hand to him and Alex extends hers to Kate.

I watch Phil scoop up Nora softly from the carrier on the floor and look at her with a worried yet loving look.

The men were now decending the stairs.

I grabbed the door handle and turned it slightly then pulling the door in creating a gap big enough for us to maneuver through.

It was just as the men arrived down the stairs that we stepped out of the panic room, their guns immediatly pointing at all of us. 


I feel so out of it. Tired, worn down, unable to concentrate. When Phil asked me to put my hands up at first I couldn't understand why. But once I saw the guns I knew inmediatly that we could be in trouble.

"Which one of you is Kate?" One of the men asked.

I barely lifted my hand.

"Are you injured?" They ask actually sounding concerned.

I nod and then feel dizzy. I see the room spinning so I instantly close my eyes.

"Kate, can you hear me? Kate?" I didn't recognize the voice.

The voices swirled all into one and I could feel myself falling. I tilted back and forth and then I felt hands on me. So many hands.

"Kate, Kate." This time the voice was feminine, but still one I didn't know.

I tried to get a sense of my surroundings, with my eyes still closed.

I could feel soft sheets below me and a thick blanket on top. I could feel cheap pillows propping up my head, my neck already aching.

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