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Though the night was cold, frigid even the man didn't seem to mind as he took a seat on the metal bench just outside the park void of anything at this time of night. 

He watched the time pass on the phones clock and once it reached two A.M. he knew it was time to make the call. He smiled as he called the unknown number knowing that as soon as his message was delivered, so would be 50,000 dollars to his offshore bank account. 

The man straightened himself on the bench, as if good posture actually mattered to him, and happily pressed call. 

The ringing stopped after barely one ring. 

"The flame has been put out." He said into the phone and then the line went dead. 


I could feel my heart pounding wildly inside my chest and I couldn't help but be soothed by its repetitive uncontrollable movements. As I let my lips melt against his, allowed his hands to run through my hair, I couldn't help but to just sit back and enjoy the wonderful ride. But this was no  day at the amusement park;This went far beyond that. I didn't need a ticket for the physical chills that swam through my body, causing a bout of beautiful butterflies to fly excitingly in my stomach. There was in fact only one similarity between him and an exhilarating roller-coaster ride, I had to get myself in line.

"It isn't my turn." I say pulling away from his him and his soft, smooth lips.

"Your turn for what?" He asks.

"For this. I'm not the first in line there's someone else still on this ride and I can't get on until...." I stammer, though I'm not sure he understands my analogy. 

"My wife stopped riding me a long time ago, literally and metaphorically. The ride is open and you're the only one I want on it." He says sounding oh so romantic.

"I didn't mean for it to sound as dirty as it did." I explain.

"I know." He says again taking my hand. "I know."

"I'm actually feeling tired." I admit, though it only being partially true.

"Oh." He says actually sounding disappointed.

"It's just been a long day."

"I get that." He says sympathetically.

"I might just try to lay down."

"Okay." He says not moving.

I scoop up my purse and place it where I had been sitting. The elevator was crapped, but thankfully I could lay flat, my legs just touching the opposite side using my large bag as a pillow.

"Comfy?" He asks.

"I'm getting there." I lied.

I wasn't comfortable, not at all. The floor was thinly carpeted but I could tell it was concrete underneath. I took my normal sleeping pose, laying carefully on my right side with my knees bent and my arm beneath my purse, but I was still majorly uncomfortable. I then remembered the clothes that I had been wearing before, I quickly grabbed them and tried my best to lay them out like a "blanket" to try to get a little better support and comfort.

He could probably tell I was moving around but he didn't say a word, maybe he was already asleep too.

As I lay down I couldn't help but let my mind wander. I let down all the proverbial walls and let my thoughts run freely, something I didn't often have the time to do. The only other time that my mind was completely free to run its intended course was when I would actually physically run. When I ran, whether it was on a treadmill or on the streets, my mind would run smoothly and softly the stress of the day melting away, but now it was different.

I lie almost completely immobile but that same rush of relief continued to flow  through me. Then I hear Phil move beside me. I tried my best to sense in the dark what he is doing and my best guess is that he is laying down as well. Then I realized that he is my runners high. His touch brought about the same feelings that exuded from me as I would run.

I shut my eyes, wanting the feelings of him to disappear, and am instantly, gratefully, transported to safety. I imagine being back at home, snug under my thick covers, thankfully alone. The windows of my bedroom are obscured by my thick black curtains, so I force myself up and swing them open, the days light instantly bringing glorious ambiance to the room. As I hop back into bed I look to my closet to see Phil standing just against the wall.

"Why did you stop me?" He asks, one bent knee pointing out, a foot against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I had to." I reply, now sitting up in bed.

"And why's that?" He asked again this time with an evil, flirtatious smirk.

"You're taken. It's that simple."

"It's not just "that simple.""  He argued. His face stayed cheerful and happy. "Isn't it time for you to be happy? Isn't it time for you to make a choice that isn't planned days ahead of time?"

I know it is just my subconscious asking me these questions but I couldn't help but argue back.

"You know that this is wrong."

Phil's face saddened, his foot dropping to the floor his arms falling to his sides.

"Why is it wrong to be happy?" He asks. He then instantly disappeared as if he had never been there at all.


"Kate?" I asked after about 20 minutes of silence.

"Kate you up?" I asked again.

The only response I was given to my question was her emitting a low grumble.

She did seem utterly exhausted so I decided to just let her sleep.

Every few breaths or so she would let out a soft nasally snore and I thought that  it was actually quite adorable. It also weirdly kept me sane, the unintentional noise broke up the silence that filled the small elevator and kept me awake.

I stood up and started to stretch out because my legs were starting to cramp. I made myself walk to the elevator buttons and push them, but again it did nothing, so I walked back to where I had been sitting and sat down, careful not to disturb her.

As I sat down, I thought of Trevor. My little boy sleeping soundly in his bed that vaguely resembled the shape of a train. Every night as soon as I get home, weather he is sleeping or not, I kiss him goodnight. 

I wonder, was anyone waiting up for Kate? Was anyone even aware of her midnight disappearance?

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