What He Really Does

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I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep until I noticed the sun shining brightly through the windows. I couldn't help but to shift my weight and sit up from Dereks lap, guess I wasn't the only one that fell asleep.

My eyes quickly scanned the room to find my purse, needing my phone inside, and within seconds I spotted it underneath the side table near Derek.

I slowly release myself from the comfort of the over-plushed couch and carefully make my way around the ottoman and to my deep brown bag.

I let my fingers sift through the many objects until they grazed the smooth screen of my phone. I silently pulled it out and immediatly I turned it on to see that it was nearly 10 am.

Derek was late to work, I have work to do and who knows what Phil has planned if anything.

Do I wake Derek or do I let him sleep?

I decided it would be best to sit back down beside him and cuddle with him once again.

As I made my way back to my cushion, I took in the beauty that was Derek.

His eyes were shut tight but his mouth hung open in a gape, which honestly made me smile. His head rested gently on one of the couches pillows, that had been meant more for decoration than anything, but obviously he didn't mind. He was still dressed in what he wore the night before, as was I, but it was as I focused my attention on his pants that I noticed something.

A corner of something jutted out from his jeans pocket. I could tell it wasn't his wallet or phone... it was flat almost like a photograph or something.

I took a deep breath and wriggled my hand along his waist, acting as if I was rubbing his back and then his side, then I stopped.

Was I the kind of person that would snoop through someones pockets?

Before I could even answer my own questions I had two fingers around the smooth paper and I was already pulling it from his deep pocket.


I woke up shivering, my damp pillow only making it worse. My hair a mass of tangles and knots still wet from the shower a barrier over my eyes that I quickly brushed away.

My now unobstructed view of Phil instantly made me smile. Here he was sleeping soundly right where he belongs, but then I hear a cry, one not belonging to Phil.

I look around the room for the monitor only to come up empty. I quickly made my way to Nora's room only to find that empty as well.

"Alex?" I half shouted from the hall.

"We're down here." She yelled back.

I could tell they were in the kitchen so I made my way there quickly and quietly.

I come in to find Alex holding Nora over her shoulder, rocking her gently back and forth while Derek cooked breakfast.

I reach for Nora and Alex carefully hands her to me.

"Over easy or scrambled?" Derek asks me with a smile.

"Scrambled is fine." I reply.

"How's Phil?" Alex asks as she takes a seat on the bar stool overlooking the island where Derek was presently cooking.

"He's tired. " I say recalling his sweet blissful smile from our bed.

"I could only imagine why." Derek says under his breath.

It wasn't a bad thing he just said, just odd, as if he was making light of the situation that just happened.

I tried to shake it away, he probably didn't mean it. I mean he seems like a good enough guy, from what I could tell so far, and his cooking was always fabulous, hopefully that isn't his only redeaming quality.

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