Quite Spacious

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"How much further?" I asked as Alex and I joined Phil, Kate and Nora in the car.

"About ten minutes." Phil said as he started the car.

I wasn't sure if it was nerves or curiosity or just plain being tired but the next ten minutes when by quickly and silently.

More trees had now surrounded us as the dirt road bounced us along. There were no road signs and, at least to anyone but Phil, it would seem that we were lost but then a small building appeared before us.

It was nestled in a group of firs and maples and, unlike the last building we stopped at, seemed to have all walls intact.

"So this is it." Phil said after parking and turning around to look at all of us.

"There's a few things to be done to get it in working order but by night fall everything should be ready to go." He said. Then before anyone could ask any questions he got out of the van and headed toward the cabin.

"Guess we better get out." I said to both Kate and Alex.

Alex follows me to the back of the van retrieving the boxes, none of them labeled.

"Oh just bring those right in." Phil said pointing to the structure.

"Anywhere in particular?" Alex asks her hands now full.

"Living room." Phil said before heading around the house and to the back.

"Living room it is." I say to Alex with a slight smile.

She follows me with her box, through the door and into the entry way the living room immediately to our right.

"Guess this is it." I say trying to really take everything in.

"Yep." She says as she walks over to me.

Aftee setting the boxes down Irest my arm around her shoulder and she lays her head against my side.

"After we unpack I could really use some "alone time"." She says with a sly grin as she looks up at me her fingers walking slowly up my chest.

"You're not the only one." I say slightly spanking her bottom just how she likes.

"Ooh naughty, naughty." She says as she leans up to kiss me which I of course recipricate.

"Will you two stop playing grab ass and help me unpack?" Phil says from the door way.

"Oh, we weren't um." Alex says feeling embarrassed.

"Just help me out would ya." Phil says with a shake off his head towards the car. "We still have a lot to do."


My car was gone and in its place sat a shiny new convertible, top of the line everything, it was a car, or rather masterpiece, that I had always wanted. But where was my car?

I slowly walk to the kitchen, to not raise suspicion, to find the maid tidying up the near already perfectly clean kitchen.

"Have you seen my car?" I ask her though I doubt she knew anything about it.
"Why yes Mrs., Mr. Ben said you would no longer be needing it." She said seemingly confused.

"When did he tell you that?" I ask her trying to sound curious and not frustrated.

"This morning Mrs. Erica. The new car arrived this morning I think he wanted for it to be a surprise for you." She said trying to sound optimistic.

"Oh it's a surprise alright." I said to her off hand.

"It really is a beautiful car." She said trying to cheer me up.

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